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Sadly - maybe even a little cruelly - no. You must still pay those taxes, though the IRS will almost certainly be happy to grant you an extension of some kind. But they're not going to go away.

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Q: Can a back taxes debt be forgiven if the person was going through post traumatic stress disorder and dealing with a very sick spouse who was terminally ill and passed away?
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After a combat deployment an airman can't sleep most nights feels isolated and has recurring dreams about IED injured You suspect post traumatic stress disorder PTSD What should you do?

Seek a trained professional to provide assistance, preferably a counselor experienced in dealing with Post Traumatic Stress. PTSD is extremely likely in this case.Post-traumatic stress disorder is very common among veterans. PTSD is a disorder which is experienced by normal people who have survived violent, disturbing, or life-threatening situations, such as abuse or car accidents. One symptom is anxiety, which could explain the trouble sleeping. However, the salient symptom of PTSD is recurring, uncontrollable memories or flashbacks of the disturbing event or events.

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This is know as a identity crisis, people dealing with this can become confused and unstable.This usually happens when something dramatic or traumatic happens.

What kind of doctor treats post traumatic disorders?

If it were I think I would make an appointment to see my regular doctor. Talk with him/her and see if he can help you. He may recommend you see another doctor more specialized in dealing with post traumatic disorders.

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Grief counseling is very advisable to anyone that has suffered a traumatic loss, whether the loss is a friend, pet, lover, sibling or parent. Dealing with such a painful loss could stop the mental disorder known as PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. If you prefer not to talk about your problem publicly there are many sites across the internet. You can also contact any suicide hotline and they will talk you through any problem you may have since such incidents in many lives have led to suicide and sometimes worse. So Yes in my opinion it would be wise to seek out grief counseling.

Was diagnosed with multiple personality disorder 18 years of therapy not integrated but functioning well if a traumatic event happened would I be back where I began split?

No you would not. In accepting what you have and knowing that you are higher functioning now you have more skills in dealing with trauma. I belive that you and your alters would be able to come up with a way to deal with the trauma in a healthly way.

Can dealing with childhood abandonment issues through therapy help narcissists improve?

Absolutely. Of course, not all abusers will or can change. Be careful not to revel in what may be a false hope. Dealing with issues in childhood which may have made the abuser abusive will be very helpful, but could also be traumatic for the abuser. The abuser often has trouble dealing with emotions, and so could become aggressive and violent throughout this part of counseling.

Is there good bi polar test available to confirm if I have that illness or not?

In my opinion dealing with a condition as serious as bipolar disorder you should always consult a trained and certified physician to determine if you have the disorder in question. Not only can they diagnose you they can also treat you and give you counseling.

When can Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder develop?

It really depends on what the trauma was. How long did the trauma last? The age of the individual. etc. There are so many other variables. But in the long run PTSD, can occur decades after the trauma. I am still dealing with my trauma and it ended in the late 1970's. So be prepared for this to be a long lasting problem. With therapy and medication it symptoms of PTSD can be lessened. Also it will lessen with time by itself. This may not be all good news. I just think you would appreciate a real answer to this question.