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No. Your child will not get chicken pox from visiting the farm.

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Q: Can a child get chickenpox from visiting a farm?
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Had chickenpox as a child but am now pregnant and have been around a child who has been exposed to chickenpox what do you do?

If you had chickenpox as a child, there is no special care required if you are pregnant and were exposed to chickenpox.

Can you get chickenpox as an adult If you were a carrier as a child?

A carrier of chickenpox is someone who is infected but doesn't have symptoms. Most people who get chickenpox do not get infected twice. You are not likely to get chickenpox as an adult if you had them as a child.

Can a child die from chickenpox?

Yes, a child can die from chickenpox, but the vast majority of children recover from chickenpox with no long-term effects.

Is it smart to intentionally infect your child with chickenpox?

If you want to get your child immunity to chickenpox, the use of chickenpox vaccine is a more controlled approach that has a lower side effect profile than natural chickenpox infection.

Can an adult get chickenpox from a child?

Yes. Since Chicken Pox is contagious, the primary way to get it is from being exposed to someone else who currently has it - whether that be a child or an adult.

Can someone that had shingles care for a child with chickenpox?

In the US, you may be eligible for unpaid Family and Medical Leave Act time off to care for a child with chickenpox. Ask your human resources department if FMLA applies to your employer.

Can you go to work if your child has chickenpox and you already had chickenpox?

no! your child needs help and besides chickenpocks are contagious! don't bring back that horrible disease again!!

Should a child get a second chickenpox vaccine if he developed shingles a few years after the initial vaccine for chickenpox was given?

Current recommendations are for two doses of chickenpox vaccine, regardless of the history of chickenpox or shingles.

Are there certain medications that someone with chickenpox should stay away from such as Benadryl?

A child with chickenpox should avoid aspirin.

How can a child at a birthday party give all the other children chickenpox?

Chickenpox may be transmitted by airborne droplets or by direct contact with chickenpox sores. It is highly contagious.

Can you take acetaminophen if you have chickenpox?

All children with chickenpox should avoid aspirin. If a child can safely take acetaminophen, s/he can do so when s/he has chickenpox.

How long can you have fever if you have chickenpox?

The fever for a child with chickenpox will usually last for two to three days.