

Can a giant day gecko live with a crested gecko?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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10y ago

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no crested geckos are solitary animal's, and will kill and might eat the other animal.

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Q: Can a giant day gecko live with a crested gecko?
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How much day gecko food do you feed a crested gecko?

You do not feed your crested gecko Day gecko diet. The diet your speaking of Is produced by Repashy or T-Rexx, both of these manufacturer's create a Meal replacement powder designed specifically for crested geckos. Crested gecko diet.

What is the most common type of gecko?

Day gecko, leopard gecko and crested gecko

Can you put a giant day gecko with a crested gecko?

You should NEVER mix reptile species unless... (a) they are from the same country (b) need the same type of climate (c) they are active at the same time of day (d) they are not likely to view each other as their next meal

Do crested geckos need uvb?

Crested geckos are a nocturnal species of gecko and do not require UVB lighting as a duirnal species of gecko would. A crested gecko can still use one but it is not required. Excessive exposure with nocturnal species to UVB can cause other health concerns, be sure that the animal has many places to hide and will not always be exposed to the light all day long.

What type of gecko is the geico gecko?

the geico gecko is a species phesulma (day geckos). He is a giant madagascar day geckoPhelsuma madagascariensis grandis. A species native to Madagascar, being the largest species of the day gecko, and due to this little green fella we see on commercials, they are one of the most well known day gecko species.

How much do you feed a crested gecko?

You should feed your crested gecko daily. Use the crested gecko special diet mixed with water and alternate that with crickets. Mine have done very well with this. I don't recommend baby food due to it being high in sugar.

Your gecko is large has red spots on its back and has a light green color what kind of gecko is it?

This sounds like the Giant Day Gecko.

What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

What happens if you put to different species of gecko in one tank?

90% of the time the two species do not require the same care. In most cases, people will try to house a leopard gecko with a crested gecko. Leopard geckos live in heat reaching 105F each day with up to 14 hours of light and 0% humidity, very dry. The crested gecko live in temps never exceeding 80F with 10-12hours of sunlight and up to 90% humidity. One of the species is guaranteed death depending on what the setup of the tank is (desert or tropical)

Is it okay to feed crested geckoes bananas?

A small amount once every couple of weeks as a treat won't hurt them. They should be eating crested gecko MRP every day. (Repashy crested gecko diet, for example). Calcium-dusted insects can also be given occasionally. Fruit, other than as a rare treat, should not be offered, as it is too difficult to create a balanced diet feeding only fruit and insects to Rhacodactylus geckos. The commercial crested gecko diet formulas take the guesswork out of this, and provide a balanced diet to keep your gecko healthy.

Is the geico gecko australian?

If your talking about accent, then no. He is British.If your talking about where he lives, like the other user mentioned, he is from Madagascar being a Giant Madagascar Day Gecko!- The Leopard Gecko Girl

What can live with a crested gecko?

If I were you I wouldn't put anything in with a gecko. Well... you could put a cricket in but it would get eaten. Geckomaster You could put an anole in the tank; they'd get along just fine. I've seen it done before.