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Guinea pigs can become depressed enough to the point where they would starve themselves if the owner doesnt force feed/water them. If they are lonely(guinea pigs should be handled about one hour a day by you or a family member or they should have a guinea pig friend) or something has changed(piggies are VERY picky, if you change the food dish they can get depressed). If two piggies are together and something happens to one the other piggy with get depressed. The best way to tell if he is sick or not is to take him to a certified small animals vet as soon as you can. I hope you piggy gets better! If you only have one Guinea Pig you should think about getting another one to keep him company. When I was a lot younger my guinea pig died shorty after our rabbit died, which we think was because he was depressed and missed the rabbit (they lived together for a couple of years). :-(

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Q: Can a guinea pig become depressed and why My guinea pig has just been lying around and does not eat or drink is he ill or just depressed?
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A guinea pig water feeder or a water bowl.

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no, guinea pigs should not have dairy.

How much should guinea pigs drink and eat?

you just put in the food and water. Your guinea pig will eat and drink until it is full.

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It is unlikely a guinea pig could drink a whole bear as bears are usually solid. Perhaps if it was liquidised.

Is it normal for a pregnant pig slow in eating?

No,pregnant Guinea Pigs usually eat and drink more,but they will become lazy.You should check it by a vet.

How do baby guinea pigs drink?

baby guinea pigs will suckle mothers milk