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Yes, you can collect unemployment benefits while doing part time work. See "Reporting Part Time Wages" in the Related Link below for more details.

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Q: Can a person collect unemployment benefits in New Jersey while doing part time work as a coach?
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Can a person collect unemployment benefits while on workers' compensation?

no. If your on workers comp. then your still employeed.

Can the person who have power of attorney collect unemployment for a person incarcerated?

NO. A persn who is incarcerated cannot collect unemployment.

Can you collect unemployment benefits and teacher retirement at the same time in Missouri?

If your teacher's retirement is classified as a pension, you need to contact your unemployment office for clarification. Certain pensions may reduce the amount of unemployment benefits a person receives.

Can you collect unemployment in Arizona from Michigan?

Generally, to collect benefits it is allowed to file for those benefits in any state, but the funds for payment come from the person's last employer and that employer's state employment service (in this case, from Michigan).

Can a Missouri resident draw unemployment if self employed?

A self-employed person may not collect unemployment benefits based on his self employment. See the Related Link below for details.

Can a person collect unemployment benefits and workmans compensation benefits at the same time in the state of Texas?

No. You would collect Workman's Compensation benefits because you were unable to work, thus disqualifying you from collecting unemployment (you have to be seeking full time employment to qualify for this).

Can you collect unemployment and collect fee for answering surveys occasionally?

Yes, but a prudent person would report the income to the state's unemployment office to make sure you complied with their reporting requirements and weren't committing unemployment fraud. Receiving income while getting benefits is permissible, just do it by the rules.

Can you collect umemployment for a sick parent?

Normally, to collect unemployment benefits, the person receiving them must be both able to work and actively looking for work. If they're unable to work due to being sick, they shouldn't be getting unemployment in the first place; they might get disability benefits, but that's not the same thing. You can never collect someone else's unemployment benefits, unless you're talking about physically walking to the mailbox and picking it up for them, which would be okay provided that they specifically authorized you to do this.

Can a person collect unemployment benefits for maternity in Virginia?

In the case cited in the Related Links below, the claimant, because she followed protocal was allowed unemployment benefits in Virginia. You should check the regulations and also attempt to indicated you were intending to return to work, if they fired you. Merely being pregnant apparently does not entitle you to unemployment for pregnancy, however.

Can a person collect unemployment and disability for end-stage kidney failure at sametime?

Don't think so as a worker must be able to work to collect unemployment benifits.

How can you collect unemployment if your spouse relocates to Maryland from New Jersey?

If you qualify for unemployment benefits in Maryland, then you move out of state, as long as you comply with the state's requirements to continue receiving them, then yes. The main question, however, is why and how you left your job. If through no fault of your own, most likely. If quitting, it's more complicated and you have to check with the state's office for clarification.

How long can a person collect unemployment benefits in the state of North Carolina?

The standard period of benefits is from 13 to 26 weeks, depending on the formula in the Related Link below. Then the federal extension would kick in, for whatever period that would be.