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Q: Can a single copy files from more than one directory?
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How do you copy all the files from etc directory to oracle in unix?

You will need to be more clear about the target - is 'oracle' a directory?

Basic DOS commands?

ATTRIB ....... Displays or changes file attributes. CD ........... Displays the name of or changes the current directory. CLS .......... Clears the screen. COPY ......... Copies one or more files to another location. DATE ......... Displays or sets the date. DEL .......... Deletes one or more files. DIR .......... Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory. DISKCOMP ..... Compares the contents of two floppy disks. DISKCOPY ..... Copies the contents of one floppy disk to another. EXIT ......... Quits the CMD.EXE program (command interpreter). FIND ......... Searches for a text string in a file or files. FINDSTR ...... Searches for strings in files. HELP ......... Provides Help information for Windows commands. MD ........... Creates a directory. MKDIR ........ Creates a directory. MORE ......... Displays output one screen at a time. MOVE ......... Moves one or more files from one directory to another directory. PATH ......... Displays or sets a search path for executable files. PRINT ........ Prints a text file. PROMPT ....... Changes the Windows command prompt. RD ........... Removes a directory. REN .......... Renames a file or files. RENAME ....... Renames a file or files. REPLACE ...... Replaces files. RMDIR ........ Removes a directory. SET .......... Displays, sets, or removes Windows environment variables. TIME ......... Displays or sets the system time. TREE ......... Graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path. TYPE ......... Displays the contents of a text file. XCOPY ........ Copies files and directory trees. To see the full list use the "HELP" command at the DOS prompt.

How many files or entries can be included in the root directory?

The number of files or entries that can be included in a root directory will vary. However, they typically do not hold more than 512 entries.

Which number of header files available in c?

Just go to your compiler's include directory, and count the files, there can be dozens of them (Or hundreds. Or more.)

What are some examples of files and directories?

A directory could be named "My Documents", "pictures", or even "www". A directory may have files and more directories under it. A file could be named game.exe, which could be a game application; bird.jpg, which could be a picture of a bird.

DOS command to create and move to the newly created directory?

You can use "xcopy" command. mkdir - to create a directory. move - to move one or more files in a new location.

What is directory and sub directory?

Directories is a term not frequently used any more. The term more commonly used today are folders. They are the same thing however. Back in the days of ms-dos, files were stored in directories.

ASLdll error with blackra1n?

The solution to this problem, as regards the implementation of Blackra1n is quite simple. It will simply copy the executable of the tool designed by GeoHot Common Files within the directory located within Program Files. More precisely, the paths to copy the executable Blackra1n depending on the version of operating system currently in use are:Windows 32bit: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application SupportWindows 64bit: 64 Bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application SupportOnce copied Blackra1n in the right path you can run it from there or create a desktop shortcut to solve the problem calmly and run the jailbreak.

Update error resolution with ASLdll blackra1n?

he solution to this problem, as regards the implementation of Blackra1n is quite simple. It will simply copy the executable of the tool designed by GeoHot Common Files within the directory located within Program Files. More precisely, the paths to copy the executable Blackra1n depending on the version of operating system currently in use are:Windows 32bit: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application SupportWindows 64bit: 64 Bit - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Apple\Apple Application SupportOnce copied Blackra1n in the right path you can run it from there or create a desktop shortcut to solve the problem calmly and run the jailbreak.

What are some examples of internal DOS commands?

DOS can be a bit scary when you first see the C> prompt. And when you look in the DOS manual and find over 60 different DOS commands, it's enough to make you want to turn off your computer. Not to worry. You can take care of nearly all your DOS needs with just ten commands and a dozen or so option switches. So stop complaining about how difficult DOS is--you're about to become an instant expert. CD (Change Directory) Changes to specified directory. Use: CD drive/path Example: CD C:\DOS\UTIL CHKDSK (Check Disk) Checks the status of a disk. Use: CHKDSK drive\filename Switches: /V (displays path and filename of each checked file and directory) /F (corrects allocation errors if found) Example: CHKDSK C:\/F COPY Copies one or more files from one disk to another. If the path or filename is omitted for the target drive, COPY will default to the same path or filenmae that was designated on the source drive. If only the drive letter is specified on the target drive, COPY will default to the current directory. To save time, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. C:\WORD\*.TXT includes all the files in the WORD directory with names that end in .TXT. C:\WORD\*.* includes all the files in the WORD directory. A:*.* includes all the files in the root directory of A: Use: COPY source target Switch: /V (verifies copy) Examples: COPY C:\WORD\MEMO.TXT A:\WORD\NOTES.DOC COPY C:\WORD\*.* A:\MEMOS\ COPY A:*.* B: COPY B:*.* A:/V DIR (Directory) Displays a directory listing for one or more files. If a filename isn't specified, DIR will default to all files in the current directory. Like the COPY command, the DIR command accepts wildcards designated with an asterisk (*). Use: DIR filename Switches: /W (provides wide display) /P (pauses between screens) /S (includes subdirectories of current directory--DOS 5.0 only) /ON (sorts by name--DOS 5.0 only) /OD (sorts by date--DOS 5.0 only) /O-S (sorts by size, largest files first--DOS 5.0 only) Examples: DIR *.TXT DIR C:\DOS\*.* /W /P DIR /ON DIR C:\WORD\DOC\*.* /O-S DISKCOPY Makes a copy of a disk. With DOS 4.0 and higher, DISKCOPY will automatically format your target disk, if necessary. Use: DISKCOPY source target Examples: DISKCOPY A: B: DISKCOPY B: A: ERASE Erases one or more files. Like the COPY command, ERASE accepts wildcards designated with an asterisk (*). Use: ERASE filename Switch: /P (prompts before erasing) Examples: ERASE C:\WORD\MEMO.TXT ERASE *.* /P FORMAT Prepares a disk for DOS. Use: FORMAT drive Switches: /S (creates a DOS system disk) /V:name (assigns a volume name to the disk) /B (reserves space for DOS system files) Example: FORMAT A: /V:MEMOS /S MD (Make Directory) Creates a new subdirectory. If the backslash is omitted before the path, the subdirectory is placed in the current directory. Use: DM drive/path/name Examples: MD C:/WORD/MEMOS MD MEMOS MEM (Memory) Displays the amount of memory installed and available for programs. This command is available only with DOS 4.0 and higher. Use: MEM Switch: /PROGRAM (includes each program's name, location, size and type) Example: MEM MEM/PROGRAM RD (Remove Directory) Removes a subdirectory. This command can't remove the root directory, the current subdirectory, or any subdirectory with files in it. Use: RD drive/path/name Examples: RD C:/WORD/MEMOS RD MEMOS

How do you copy contents of one directory into another directory using perl language?

This isn't quite a complete answer, so I hope you can patch the bits of it together. For copying an individual file, there are 3 options as far as I can see, so use one of these: (1) use the File::Copy package. I don't know how to do this, so you'd have to look it up on cpan. (2) Read the file into perl, then write to the new file. Something like this: open IN, $infile; open OUT, '>' . $outfile; while(<IN>) { print OUT $_; } close IN; close OUT; You may need to use binmode. (3) A system call. This has the disadvantage that it isn't very portable. For example, in Linux, you can copy files by typing "cp foo bar" into the command prompt; so in Perl you could write: `cp "$infile" "$outfile"`; But that wouldn't work in Windows. In Windows it would be copy, not cp. So those are the options for copying a single file. For a whole directory, try this: use strict; use warnings; my $infolder = shift; my $outfolder = shift; opendir DH, $infolder or die 'could not open directory'; while (defined(my $file = readdir DH)) { if ($file !~ /^\.\.?$/) { copy_file($file, $outfolder); } } closedir DH or die 'could not close directory'; $infolder and $outfolder are the names of the folder you're copying and the new folder. DH is a directory handle, i.e. it gives you a list of all the files in the directory $infolder. readdir is equivalent to the < > notation, but you can't use < > for directory handles. The regular expression means that perl ignores the files . and .. , which aren't really files at all. If the folder you're copying has subfolders, and you want to copy all the subfolders and subsubfolders, you'll need to do a bit more work. Maybe the folder-copying subroutine could call itself on subfolders. You also need to create the new subfolders in the first place, which I don't know how to do in Perl (except by method (3) above).

What command line utility can you use to create and modify Active Directory?

TO ADD OR CREATE Dsadd is a command-line tool that is built into Windows Server 2008. It is available if you have the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) server role installed. To use dsadd, you must run the dsadd command from an elevated command prompt. To open an elevated command prompt, click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. Dsadd computer:Adds a single computer to the directory Dsadd contact:Adds a single contact to the directory Dsadd group:Adds a single group to the directory. Dsadd ou:Adds a single organizational unit to the directory. Dsadd user:Adds a single user to the directory Dsadd quota:Adds a quota specification to a directory partition. TO MODIFY Dsmod is a command-line tool that is built into Windows Server 2008. It is available if you have the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) server role installed. To use dsmod, you must run the dsmod command from an elevated command prompt. To open an elevated command prompt, click Start, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator. Dsmod computer:Modifies attributes of one or more existing computers in the directory. Dsmod contact:Modifies attributes of one or more existing contacts in the directory. Dsmod group:Modifies attributes of one or more existing groups in the directory. Dsmod ou:Modifies attributes of one or more existing organizational units (OUs) in the directory. Dsmod server:Modifies properties of a domain controller. Dsmod user:Modifies attributes of one or more existing users in the directory. Dsmod quota:Modifies attributes of one or more existing quota specifications in the directory. Dsmod partition:Modifies attributes of one or more existing partitions in the directory.