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Legal schollars are not agreed on this point, but there is no explicit limit in the Constitution to how many terms a person may be elected to the office of Vice-President. The two term limit applies only to the office of President. YES they can

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Then President Trump’s wife will run for President and President Trump will run for Vice President for his wife so President Trump and and his wife can serve another eight years after 2024. 

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Q: Can a sitting vice president who has served eight years in office under the same president be picked to run again as a vice president by another person running for president?
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Why can the president vice president and civil officers be removed from office?

The president, vice-president and federal judges can be removed from office for committing crimes. First the person must be officially charged with a crime or crimes, this is called impeachment, and then the person must stand trial in the Senate where a conviction requires a 2/3 vote. Members of Congress, however, are not subject to this process.

Which president had a rocking chair in the oval office?

President John F. Kennedy had a Rocking Chair in the oval office. He had a bad back from a war injury, and sitting in the chair gave him relief from the pain.

What if something happens to the president?

If the president cannot perform his duties for any reason the Vice President assumes the Presidency. If the Vice President cannot perform the Speaker of the House assumes the duties of the President

Naturalized citizens are constitutionally barred from running for the office of?

The U.S. Constitution states that naturalized citizens can not run for the office of President. It is the only office that must be held by a natural-born American citizen.

If an incumbent president is seeking another term in office who will his party likley nominate?

If an incumbent president is willing and qualified to run for reelection, his party does not contest his nomination, most likely because of the message that would be interpreted if the party does not support its incumbent president. However, that was not always the case. Before the Civil War, several incumbent presidents, including Franklin Pierce in 1856, sought but did not receive their parties' nominations for president.

Related questions

How can you be a president?

By running for office when the election comes.

Is a specific gender required if running for president?

No specific gender is required if running for office. Men and women, both, can run for, and be elected into the office of President.

What is the sitting duck president?

It isn't "sitting duck" but lame duck. A lame duck is a person in office whose term of office is nearly finished.

Does any scenario exist that would allow a sitting president NOT to be transitioned out of office at the end of the term?

I may not understand your question-- a president could be re-elected and so would stay in office for another term after his first term ended.

Why can the president vice president and civil officers be removed from office?

The president, vice-president and federal judges can be removed from office for committing crimes. First the person must be officially charged with a crime or crimes, this is called impeachment, and then the person must stand trial in the Senate where a conviction requires a 2/3 vote. Members of Congress, however, are not subject to this process.

How does the president picks the vice president?

When a candidate runs for office, he picks a running mate. When that candidate wins, his/her running mate becomes vice president.

A sitting president who loses an election in November or is not eligible for re-election but remains in office until January is often called?

a Lame Duck. or A still-in-office-president.

What if a candidate for president has a jail record?

A criminal record does not automatically preclude someone from running for the office of President, however it may prevent that person from running for State office or even voting for themselves.

Does the president's salary ever change while in office?

Only if the salary change was authorized by a previous congress and president in a previous term. Changes to the president's salary can not take place until after the sitting president has left office.

Rutherford B. Hayes years in office?

4 years. He was running against another president so he thought he's not going to be elected again so he left but people liked him as president.

Name another office position in the executive branch?

President Vice President The Executive Office of the President The Cabinet

Who was the first president to visit a foreign country while in office?

Theodore was the first sitting president to leave the country. He visited Panama while he was president.