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Q: Can brown eyed man and a blue eyed woman have blue eyed baby?
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Can a brown eyed dad and a blue eyed mom make a blue eyed baby?

yes, only 2 blue eyed people can only have a blue eyed baby, this will not change ever! where as 2 brown eyed people can also have a blue eyed baby, but for 2 blue eyed people to have a brown eyed baby is impossible!

Can a green eyed woman and a blue eyed man have a brown eyed baby?

It should be possible because my mom has blue eyes, my dad has brown and i got green eyes so i would say yes.

Can a green eyed man and a blue eyed woman have a brown eyed kid?

It depends on the genes because some genes from the parents might not get passed on making the baby have brown eyes

Can a blue eyed man and a brown eyed woman make a blue eyed baby?

Yes. The woman can be heterogeneous non-blue. That means she carries a blue eyed gene and a non-blue eyed gene. The blue eyed is normally recessive so he carries both blue eye genes and doesn't carry a non-blue gene.If two blue eyed parents have a child then the child will be blue eyed.

Can a blue eyed and brown eyed produce a green eyed baby?

Yes, I have a son that has green eyes. I have blue, his father has brown.

Can a two blue eyed parents have a brown eyed baby?


Can two hybrid blue eyed people have a brown eyed baby?


Can a brown eyed man and a brown eyed woman have a blue eyed baby?

Yes, because your genes have both dominant and recessive traits, so you may have 1 blue and 1 brown and your wife may have 1 blue and 1 brown and (and this is gross simplification) when your genes combine if even one of your brown traits gets passed onto the child it will have brown eyes.

Can Brown eyed dad and blue eyed mom make a blue eyed baby?

yes. if the dad has 1 recessive blue gene and 1 dominant brown gene then he can either pass on the blue gene or the brown gene.

Can a brown eyed mother have a blue eyed baby?

Yes, but it occurs very rarely.

What are the specifics about the genetics for two blue eyed people to have a brown eyed baby?

It is impossible for a baby to have brown eyes if both of his parents have blue eyes since the brown eye gene is more dominant.

Can a blue eyed mom and dad have a brown eyed baby?

Yes, if there is brown eyes in the family, then yes, it is possible.