

Can geckos say gecko

Updated: 11/15/2022
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11y ago

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no because their an animal and we all know that animals don't speak!

Animals cannot speak; the closest thing would be imitation, like parrots that mimic sounds they hear and reproduce them without really knowing what they are saying. Ultimately, geckos cannot say "gecko".

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Q: Can geckos say gecko
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What are all the gecko breeds?

* Leopard geckos * Crested Geckos * White Lined Geckos (Skunk Geckos) * Fat-Tailed Geckos * House Geckos * Tokay Geckos * Golden Geckos * Madagascar Ground Geckos * Day Geckos

How much is a gecko from a pet store?

Depending on the gecko species will determine the price of the animal. More common species are usually sold at a lower value such as the: house gecko, turner gecko, golden gecko, tokay gecko, skunk gecko. Other species such as crested geckos, leopard geckos and gargoyle geckos can range from $60 - $500. There are even "sought out" or "desired" species of gecko than can range upwards of $1000-$4000 this could include: Leachianous geckos, Green geckos, Chaoua geckos.

Is geckoes plural of gecko?

no geckos is plural of gecko

What is the collective noun for gecko's?


What class is the leopard gecko in?

leopard geckos are in the reptile the family and in the gecko family. Most geckos can adhere to things and climb with their little toes but leopard geckos can't, instead they have claws. If you hold a leopard gecko, you will feel them while something like day geckos they have very soft paws

Can geckos spit poison?

No - Gecko's are NOT venomous !

Are geckos poisners?

No, there is no poisonous gecko species.

What are the most common species of Gecko?

The most common type of house pet of the gecko is the leopard gecko and other geckos

How many geckos are in the wild?

Geckos are kept commonly in the reptile hobby and for the most part, are not endangered or restricted. There are few species of gecko that are endangered such as the: Monito Gecko, Reunion Island day gecko.

Do geckos like ants?

I would have to say yes because a gecko eats ants so i guess they like them to?

What is the plural of gecko?

The plural word for gecko is guac. Trust me, look it up.

Are there black geekos?

Yes, there are some geckos that are black in color. The two most popular geckos that are black in color are the leopard gecko and the black pearl gecko.