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I would not try it stick with getting them from the pet store there are tons of cool chew toys there this is coming from a hamster owner and breeder

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Q: Can hamsters chew on sticks from outside?
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What do you get from the pet shop for hamster's?

Hamsters ball to run around the house, chew sticks and food sticks with seeds and fruit on it

Can you give your hamsters sticks?

some say it is safe but never pick a stick from the ground and feed it to your hamster to chew on.It could have a lot of things that are poisonus to hamsters and probably mites.I got sticks at the pet store for my hamster to chew on and probably they will sell wood sticks at the pet store.

Can hamsters eat canned cat food?

No hamsters are not meat eaters they like veggies and little wood sticks you can buy for them to chew on you can also buy treats that are made just for them

Can hamsters eat apple twigs?

Yes, like apple orchid chew sticks right? They can definitely eat that I give it to my hamster

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Is cuttlefish bone safe for hamsters to chew on

What type of chew toy is better for hamsters?

a solid one that they can gnaw on they don't like chewing they just want to gnaw I suggest going to pets at home and asking them or getting the packets of wood sticks that have been made for hamsters

What makes dwaf hamsters teeth smaller if they've been eating cheese?

Go to a pet store and buy chewing blocks or sticks for hamsters.The average price for chew toys for hamsters are $2.99 to $7.99. Trust me it works

When hamsters chew the cage is it from bordem or are they doing it because it strengnthens their teeth?

both u should get chewing sticks for your hamster then he/she might stop or try um.. card board or some type of thing from the pet store for him/her to chew on.

Can Hamsters have sticks to gnaw on?

If you have a wire cage, your hamster can chew on it all the time. Make sure you give him/her enough chew sticks. Your hamster needs enough things to chew on so that his/her front teeth don't grow too long then they won't be able to eat and pass away. On the other hand, if you have a like a cardboard box, (I'm pretty sure no one does) it is not OK yo let you hamster chew on its cage because they can chew a whole right threw the box then your hamster is gone.

Can gerbils chew on sticks?

Different Gerbils like to chew on different things but gnaw sticks are good for them Yes. Gerbils are enthusiastic chewers. They will chew on practicaly anything but some things could choke and maybe kill them. Toilet roll tubes are good for them as well as anything made out of that sort. Do not give them painted cardboard. Also in pet shops you can get wooden blocks designed for chewing and you can even get large chews for gerbils.

Can you put honey on dwarf hamsters chew sticks?

Oh please don't do that your dwarf hamster might get diabetes and that's no good you can get some burges hamster treats and there are some for dwarfs.

Can hamsters chew on dog biscets?

No They Will Die.