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Q: Can iodine kill someone if they are allergic?
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Can you use betadine if you are allergic to iodine?

You should not use Betadine if a patient is allergic to iodine. Betadine contains approximately 1% iodine, which could be enough to cause an allergic reaction.

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Can a person be allergic to iodine used in computed tomography scans?

One of the common contrast agents, iodine, can cause allergic reactions. Patients who are known to be allergic to iodine (or shellfish) should inform the physician prior to the CT scan.

Can a hornet kill a person?

Hornets can kill someone if they are allergic to the venom. And if enough of them sting someone, they could go into shock and that could be a problem.

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How much iodine is safe if you are allergic to all fish?

If you're allergic to fish then getting sufficient iodine still shouldn't be too much of a problem. Seaweed contains iodine, as do some vitamin supplements.

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if you're allergic to iodine, you'll probably have an allergic reaction

Can someone with a shellfish allergy have a thyroid scan?

The reason why shellfish allergy is asked is because of the link between shellfish allergy and iodine allergy (shellfish are rich in iodine). That does not mean that if your allergic to shellfish then you are allergic to iodine - you may be allergic to another component that is in the shellfish. Iodine is used in the thyroid scan as a dye and is injected into your veins. If you are allergic then the reaction would be quite quick and potentially serious. Asking about a shellfish allergy is to try to risk stratify those that may be more susceptible for a reaction and "prepare" the technician / radiologist for the worse case scenario. The main allergic reaction we would be worried about would be true anaphylaxis (if you've not heard of this then you probably not had it). Rashes and facial swelling would indicate a allergic reaction. Sickness, diarrhea and feeling "off" would suggest an intolerance rather than a true allergic reaction. Happy New Year! El Tango

What contrast media can be used in place of iodine?

LOM can be used as x-ray contrast media in patients allergic to iodine.

When giving blood why do they ask you are you allergic to shell fish?

Because if you are allergic to shellfish you most likely are allergic to iodine or betadine which is what they use to prep your arm with when they draw your blood.