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Q: Can the sperm cell cause harm to the fetus inside the womb?
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Related questions

How an egg cell and sperm cell develop into a fetus inside the uterus?


When Will a female egg cell be fertilized and develop into a fetus?

When the female egg cell met with sperm

What happens when the sperm cell reaches the egg cell?

When the sperm reaches the egg, they fuse together forming one cell and multiplying creating what is called the fetus.

What next egg in to ovary and go to sperm cell and go to?

zygot, fetus formation

Can putting things in your vagina make you pregnant?

Pregnancy requires that a sperm cell come into contact with an egg. So if the "something" has sperm on, or in it, you can get pregnant. Otherwise, no -- no sperm, no fetus.

If two sperm fused together could the resulting cell become implanted into the uterus and develop a fetus?

No and no. Sperm doesn't fuse with other sperms.

What does a sperm cell inside a human body?


What is produced as a result of male sex cells and female sex cell coming together?

Sperm and an egg coming together will produce a living fetus after the sperm (Male sex cell) breaches the egg (Female sex cell)

What is the function of a plasma membrane in a sperm cell?

it helps control what goes in and out of the cell. It also help protect the nucleus, and the inside of the sperm.

What is the function of the plasma membrane in a sperm cell?

it helps control what goes in and out of the cell. It also help protect the nucleus, and the inside of the sperm.

Describe the exact location of the egg cell and sperm nucleus of a flowering plant?

The egg cell is located inside the ovary of the flower. The sperm nucleus is located inside the pollentube of the flower

Did you begin as a single cell?

Yes. Everyone begins as a single cell. A single-celled egg, fertilized by a single-cell sperm. Which then becomes a zygote, then a blastula, then slowly a fetus.