

Can the withdrawal method hurt you in any way?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Absolutely! You face unwanted pregnancy and STDs!

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Q: Can the withdrawal method hurt you in any way?
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If you sleep with one man one day and used withdrawal and then slept with another and went all the way which one would you end up pregnant too?

No way of telling, as the withdrawal method is very unreliable.

Does withdraw always work?

The withdrawal method does not always work, as you leak semen without knowing it. This is an extemely unsafe way of contraception.

Should I take a test i are 2 days late for period been getting cramps and use withdrawal for contraception?

You don't use the withrawal method for contraception. You don't use any method for contraception. Use a condom or take it up the ass. By the way, you're pregnant.

Does urinating after sex helps to prevent pregnancy when using withdrawal method?

Definitely not! Urine comes out from a different hole. The so called withdrawal method is also a good way to get pregnant. There's always pre-cum that can get you pregnant. Get on birth control now before I see you in the Abortion category!

Can you increase the chance of getting pregnant from pre-ejaculatory fluid?

Yes, there is absolutely a risk of pregnancy with any unprotected sex. Wrap that rascal, as it's the most effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy and more importantly... Sexually transmitted diseases. If you are using withdrawal as a contraceptive method and you want to get pregnant but your man doesn't, my advice is DON'T. Your man will never forgive you and may even leave, and you will be alone with a baby. Having said that, withdrawal is not a method of contraception, just a method of frustration.

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What's the percentage of preventing pregnancy using withdrawal method?

You can still get pregnant using the withdrawal method due to the fact there is premature ejaculation and sometimes not withdrawn fully on time. You should always use back up/other methods along with the withdrawal method. Not doing it in the water doesn't change anything however, depending on the water and situation etc. while thrusting in and out the water is being subjected to you internally and could cause a variety of infections. Although it seems daring, naughty or romantic its not always the most pleasant or cleanly way of having sex.

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Harmless means that it cannot be hurt in any way, or abused in aany way. Harmless means safe.

Can a woman get pregnant during her period using withdrawal method?

Yes. Since there is sperm in the precum, there is always a chance of getting pregnant with the pull-out method. "Take Sex with Sue Johansen" says women get pregnant within a year of using this method.

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No it can't... i am a horse vet and and dentist, it has been proven it can not hurt a horse or any breed of horse in any way. It can only hurt them if they have got tooth problems or they are not eating sarah x