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Q: Can you conceive another baby while in your first trimester?
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Should you go on the treadmill whilst trying to conceive?

I would not recommend it while in the first trimester. The baby's life is just too fragile.

Can you take metoclopramide while pregnant?

yes , in the first trimester

Is it safe to feel sinking feeling in stomach while in first trimester?

Yes I did

Can you take nitrofurantoin mono mac while pregnant?

I was prescribed this medication twice during my first trimester...once at 4 weeks and another at 10 weeks. It is safe for pregnant women!

How do you clear acne while in your first trimester of pregnancy?

Try witch hazel, its like a natural astringent.

Do pregnant women feel craps in the first trimester?

Some women have cramping throughout the entire first trimester, while other don't. The cramping is usually caused by the uterus stretching and their body getting used to being pregnant.

Can I use lidocaine while pregnant?

I haven't used it....yet! Rheumotolagist prescribed it to me for uncontrollable pain after my first trimester.

Is Spina Bifida a late onset disorder?

No, Spina Bifida develops in the first trimester while a baby is in the womb.

Is it safe to finish inside while you're in your first trimester?

It's always ok. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.

Should you receive hepatitis vaccine while trying to conceive?

Yes, you can still receive the hepatitis vaccine while you are trying to conceive. It will not interfere with your menstrual cycle or the ability to conceive a child.

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Is spotting after straining on the toilet normal in the first trimester?

No, spotting after straining on the toilet is not normal in the first trimester. Any spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is not considered to be normal. While it could be implantation bleeding, it would be wise to get examined by your doctor or obstetrician.