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No you are still required to pay them the minimum due each month.

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Q: Can you dump credit card debt without paying entire amount?
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What Is Iou Credit?

It is when (say for Mobile phone) you get credit put on to your phone without paying for it, usually only about $2. Although the amount of money(credit) will be taking the time more credit is added to the phone.

Is paying the minimal on credit cards considered a sign of credit trouble?

Paying the minimum amount due on credit card is not necessarily a sign of credit trouble because it actually makes the credit card account current.

Can paying off your credit card balance in full every month hurt your credit?

Your credit report, credit rating and credit scores do not reflect any difference in paying the full amount on a credit card account or paying the minimum amount. What is tracked and recorded on your credit report is whether or not you pay the account ON TIME. It is a completely different factor to your "bottom line" in the amount of interest you pay. so consider all the facts before you decide how much to send in.

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how to get rid of the money that you owe from collection agency without paying them and become good credit again

Is it legal to download music from the web without paying for it if you give credit to the artist?

No. They want your money, not your credit.

Should you pay off a credit card that charged off last month and is now in collections the full balance or the settlement amount?

If possible pay the entire amount. A settlement is better than nothing, but paying off the debt is the best option.

Can your credit be damaged by paying less than what is due on time?

Absolutely. It won't be hurt as badly as not paying, but your credit report usually shows a status that reads "pays as agreed." If you're paying less than the minimum amount due each month, you're not paying as agreed and your credit can get dinged.

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Can you buy a car without a co signer?

Sure you can ; if yiu are of age and your credit is good and have enough income to support paying,a certain amount every month depending on the above criteria

Is it possible to get your suspended license reinstated without paying your back support?

No. You can't get it back without paying the full amount back first.

What happens if you leave Australia without paying your credit cards can i still apply for a visa?


Will leasing a car improve your credit rating?

Paying your bills on time is what builds your credit rating. You will be better off paying cash for a car you can afford, even used--or riding the bus. Leasing cars gets expensive in the long run since you pay a large amount for the car without getting any equity.