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Yes, your twelve year old molars generally come in at the age of twelve, but for some people as early as 10. Others may only begin getting these molars at age 14. Don't worry, everyone grows at a different rate and at a different time, so don't get anxious.

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Q: Can a child get second molars at age 10?
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Has it been possible or ever done to have molars at age 10?

first molars erupt at the age of 6 to 7. second and third molars at 11 to 13 and 17 to 21 respectively.

How long is it going to take for your son to lose his molar?

You lose your baby first molars at 9-11 years of age baby second molars at 10-12 years of age Hope that helps.

Is there such thing as 10 year old molars?

Yes because my grand child got them when he was ten

What are 12 year old molars?

I believe you are referring to the second molars. Yes , all men and women have a normal complement of 4 twelve year molars. That's two in the upper jaw and two in the lower.(one on the right and one on the left) However there may occur a congenital absence of one or more teeth. It is rare but not unheard of.

Will premolar teeth fall out?

No, they do not fall out like the original baby teeth. As the jaw grows, these molars and another set (Wisdom teeth) grow in. They are usually the first teeth to get cavities since they have deep ridges.

Is it normal to lose your molars when your 10?

Yup, I started to lose my molars when I was only 9.

What age should you lose your incisors?

i started losing molars when i was 10, but you shouldn't wait until you are a certain age to lose them, as long as they are your baby molars, and they are loose it's fine. unless your like, 5,7,6 y.o or younger than 5 because you should NOT even have loose molar when your that young and should see a orthodonist if you are that young and they are loose.

What is the legal age to leave a child at home in Tennessee?

the age is 10....

What is the youngest age a child can testify in an Arkansas court?

Age 10

What age does a male child reach half his eventual height?

There is no specific age when a male child will reach half of his height. This can happen around the age of 10, earlier than 10, or later than 10.

What age should a child of 8 stone be?

10 or 11

What is the recemendation amount of sleep for a 10 year old child?

A child at the age of 10 should get up to nine hours sleep