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i t is compose of related sentences that has a process about something or anything that you want to explain.

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11y ago
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14y ago

a descriptive paragraph is one that has descriptions.....

"We were in trees and tall grass. As we sloped to the creek bottoms, the ground grew soggy underfoot. Dragonflies skated over the scum on the stagnant backwater. Grandma made her way through the willows weeping into the water. When she pulled back a tangle of vines, we saw an old, worn-out, snub-nosed rowboat. It was pulled up and tied to a tree, and the oars were shipped in the wet-bottom, beside a long pole with a steel hook at end."

(Excerpt from "Long Way From Chicago" by Richard Peck)

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9y ago

A description is when an author puts the scene around him into words. Instead of giving a vague feeling of the surroundings, he describes everything he sees in vivid detail, to get what he sees into the reader's head.

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13y ago

An example is something that is discriptyive

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12y ago

my mom was sad when she yelled at my little she went over and gave him a big hug, my brother than stopped crying.

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