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Q: Can you give me the purpose on how baking soda and vinegar blow up a balloon?
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What is the problem in how to blow balloon in baking soda and vinegar?

When the vinegar mixes with baking soda it produces a gas that will cause the balloon to expand

Does vinegar and baking soda blow up a balloon?

1. take a bottle and put vinegar in it 2. PUT BAKING SODA IN A BALLOON 3 PUT THE BALLOON ON THE BOTTLE 4 THEN YOUR DONE

What is the procedure for making baking soda and vinegar blow up a balloon?

carbon dioxide

What chemical reactions explains how vinegar and baking soda make a balloon blow up?

vinagar and baking soda can blow up a balloon because when you mix the two chemicals it creates a chemichal reaction nnd starts to fizz.

How much vinegar and baking soda will need to blow up a big balloon?

60ml of lemon juice, vinegar, pop and alcohol A balloon An empty soda bottle 30ml of water 1 teaspoon of baking soda (5 mL)

What would blow balloon faster mouth blow or vinegar and baking soda in a bottle?

Mouth Blow could be faster because when u blow it release a big chunk of air into the ballooon( will massive for that size).

Is baking soda an alkaline or acid?

Yes. And if you add it too vinigar it makes smoke. You take a balloon and fill 1/5 of it with baking powder. You then only set the top of the balloon around a beaker filled 1/4 of the way with vinegar. Then hold the balloon up right and let the baking powder mix with the vinegar. It will blow up the balloon on it's own. It's actually pretty cool.

How much amount of baking soda and vinegar inflate a balloon?

Yes. Mixing vinegar and baking soda releases carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. If you can add the two together and quickly attach a balloon to the container (and close any other openings), the balloon will inflate with CO2

What are some projects using baking soda vinegar?

There are a variety of them, but these are most common. - Rocket Bottle - Volcano And the most simple to me would be: This is a very simple project, what you will need is a small water bottle, a balloon (with NO helium inside), vinegar, baking soda. Put vinegar into the water bottle. then take the empty balloon and place an even amount of baking soda into it. then carefully place the balloon (with the baking soda inside) atop of the water bottle, thus letting the baking soda and vinegar react when mixed, and creating carbon dioxide, which makes the balloon deflate. (in other words, making the balloon blow up in action.) its simple a pretty cool. hope this helps. Btw, I'm in fifth grade.

What is a dependent variable in a experiment that uses vinegar ang baking soda to blow up a balloon?

The independent variable is the type of liquid you mix with the yeast and the dependent variable is how big the balloon gets.

Why will baking soda and vinegar fill up a balloon?

Yes! if you have too much of one then it cannot completely react but will fill the balloon up 100% comparatively. if you have the right amount then it will not waste a lot and will fill up the balloon 90% comparatively. if you don't add enough of one then you will fill it up a lot less like 50% comparatively. (but one of the ingredients has to be constant)

What is the results when mixed baking soda and vinegar to blow up a balloon?

Baking soda (known chemically as "sodium bicarbonate" or NaHCO3) can be mixed with vinegar (a mixture of water and acetic acid, a.k.a. CH3COOH) to inflate a balloon with carbon dioxide (CO2) gas. The full reaction is: NaHCO3 + CH3COOH ---> CH3COONa + H2O + CO2(g) For more info: