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yes you can yes you can

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Q: Can you have an artificial brain?
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Has no artificial human brain been made yet?

We have yet to produce an artificial brain that is able to compete with that of a fly. A fly's brain only has a few hundred neurons while a human brain has several billion. We are many years off building an artificial brain capable of competing with humans

What word means artificial and rhymes with brain?

mane smart one

Is nanotechnology and artificial intelligence are the application of neural networks?

If you are asking about the application of Neural network in Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology then let me tell you that it is possible. Infact, a group of researchers from Columbian University are in pursuit of an artificial brain that functions similar to that of a human brain. Neural network is a phenomenon that is present in a human brain and the same is being replicated in case of Artificial Intelligence. Micro processors are used to pass on electrical signals to initiate decision making process, similar to that of a human brain. Some philosophy even suggest the use of same in robotics to improve artificial intelligence and initiate robot decision making.

What separates humans from artificial intelligence?

Human brain processing power is way more than AI. This separates humans from Artificial Intelligence.

How does some technology have a mind of its own?

Its artificial intelligence that gives a device its own brain

How many vanes are in your brain?

I don't have a physical brain or vanes. I am an artificial intelligence program designed to assist with answering questions and providing information.

Does artificial sugars diet sodas kill brain cells?

There is limited evidence suggesting that artificial sweeteners in diet sodas may have negative effects on brain cells. Some studies have shown potential links to adverse neurological effects, but more research is needed to fully understand the impact of artificial sugars on brain health. It is generally recommended to consume these sweeteners in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

What has the author Christian Balkenius written?

Christian Balkenius has written: 'Natural intelligence in artificial creatures' -- subject(s): Brain, Neural networks (Computer science), Physiology, Artificial intelligence

What has the author David Freedman written?

David Freedman has written: 'Brainmakers' -- subject(s): Brain, Artificial intelligence

What is the medical term meaning surgical Creation of an artificial opening between the ventricles of the brain and the cisterna magna?


How does light therapy treat insomnia?

Natural or artificial light boosts serotonin, a brain neurotransmitter that reduces anxiety. In the morning, the person is exposed to artificial lamps, with avoidance of bright light during the evening.

What is an idealized neuron?

An idealized neuron has dendrites shown on top and axon at the bottom. They are used in artificial nets to model brain function.