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Yes you can. I don't exactly know how but my parents have done it. Also many police officers do.

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Q: Can you look at someone elses messages in Facebook?
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Can you look at Facebook?

NO. By law facebook is not allowed to look at other peoples messages. ( as it is stated in there terms and conditions)

How Can You Look At Someones Else's Facebook messages?

No unless you've logged in to them

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Can you look someone up on Facebook by their phone number?

yes you can if they have their phone number listed on facebook

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You can look at someone's activity on Facebook if they have it hidden by going to your activity log and clicking on 'Posts You've Hidden' located in the left column.

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Go to your page or someone elses- then look under their suite area to the right. There's the guestbook

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yes ronaldo does have facebook just look at his pictures and look for ones that are not that popular like pictures he would take himself. I found his official page and latest messages on the walls about him using Facebook Search service listed below.

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You look them up in the search box

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you look at men

How do you see messages on Facebook from non friends?

There are two tabs for messages. Click on your normal tab and then look just behind it for 'other'. Normally this is where people can send you messages who aren't in your friends list or those who you haven't contacted can leave a message. You can choose to view and accept any messages or not.

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Look before you leap. Think before you stick your nose into someone elses business.

Can someone look at a Facebook page if they do not have a Facebook account? have to have an account to look at other accounts. But you can't even look at most other accounts unless you add them as a friend and they accept. So it's pretty hard to look at stuff on Facebook when you don't even have an account.