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If you have been using the pill regularly, it can cause your periods to become very light or stop all together. If you have not been on BCP and your period is 2 weeks late you should find out why your period is late before taking a drug to make it start.

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If you have never been on Birth Control pills, start them with your NEXT cycle using the same directions you were given by your doctor. If you were already on the pill and missed 2 weeks, call your doctor.

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Q: Can you take microgynon to make your periods start after 2 weeks late?
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One week.

When do you know when your period is late?

well, first of all, it matters how many periods you have had. if this is like your 1-6 period then it is normal to start a little later or earlier. if not then i would say you would know when you are about 2 or 3 weeks late.

Why did period start 2 weeks late could you still be pregnant?

It is common not to have regular periods with this implant. It is exceedingly rare to be pregnant with this contraceptive device. You can do the urine pregnancy test at home, when you do not get periods for two months in sequence. The test can be repeated every 15 days. Generally this is not required.

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Your question really is: could I be pregnant? The answer is, yes, you could be: go see a doctor and get a test.

2 periods in 2 weeks now 6 days late and nipples cracked?

Go see a doctor

What if your period is late for two weeks?

it is probably because teenagers usually have different schedules and periods can be irregular at young ages.

What if your periods is over 20 days late you took hpt for the last couple of weeks and all came out negative what is the deal?

You could possibly have an ovarian cycst. It can cause late or missed periods. if you are having internal cramps this is an almost sure fire answer.

What is the maximun age to start your periods?

There is no max age. Everyone is different. If you are in your late teens see a doctor.

Do you consider it normal if periods are delayed by two weeks?

yes its normal. you just had a late period now if you mean ur period lasted for 2 weeks then no. see a doctor theres something wrong and you may need to fix it before to late

Do you have to see a doctor if you don't start your period at the age 16?

Your periods have been known to start from as early as 7 and as late as 17. If you are worried then go to your doctor but late starters are very commen

How many weeks can I be if I'm a week late on period?

If you ovulate around day 14 and have regular periods, by LMP (last menstrual period) you would be 5 weeks - the actual age of the embryo would be 3 weeks.