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  • Pay attention to how they treat "unimportant" people, like waiters, who they are not likely to see again. They will treat them dismissively, will act superior, may complain excessively. They will not jump in to help movers. You will hear many subtle judgments and comments about other people or himself. These comments will make him appear special or better than others. He does not accept no for an answer. He will have to modify it somehow.
  • Asking a narcissist to describe themselves is like letting a fox into a hen house. Narcissists are great chameleons so it's not likely you are going to get an honest answer. Here are some signs: They talk about themselves most of the evening. They embellish on the great things they have done. They never stop to ask about your life. The may order your dinner without asking you what you want or tell you what movie you are both going to see without discussing what you may like to see. They basically "order" you around. If this is happening even a little put your foot down and tell them you can order for yourself and if you get a negative reaction from them then more or than likely they have some narcissistic traits.
  • Narcissism is characterized by self love, selfishness and egotism. There are lots of men and woman that fall into that category these days and it goes even further and younger, too. People in general are concerned about their appearances and rightly so because of the society we live in today that is so judgmental on looks. Now when you meet someone for the first time that appears well dressed are they a narcissist. No, not usually. Try to notice if the person takes every chance they can get into looking at themselves, in windows, mirrors, anything even spoons that can give a reflections. They are constantly preening themselves. They want to only talk about themselves and their interests. They dismiss you and your feelings in a condiscending way, they want to do things that will either preserve there looks, and outfits and nothing that they have the possibility of losing at or looking bad in. These pointers need to be constant, every day and every minute of their lives. Run fast because you'll never exist with a narcissist.
  • Not always because narcissist have a plan in their minds that they dont share with anyone. They can be conceited and totally in love with themselves and find no room in their minds or hearts for anyone else's well being.
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Q: Can you tell if someone is a narcissist when you meet them for the first time?
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they will act upset... but they will just go find someone else.

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It's not best to tell him after a while so be straight and tell him

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Yes. Otherwise they'll get deeper and deeper into it. At lease they have a fighting chance if you tell them.

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Yes -- the Narcissist will tell HIS/HER OWN VERSION of the truth and try to tell it first & loudest. Don't believe it.

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Be sure he is not seeing someone else first. Then contact him by phone and ask if he will meet you somewhere and that is when you tell him how you feel and if there is any hope for your relationship getting back to normal.

How can you tell if the narcissist is gay?

If he or she dates people of the same sex.

If a mans wife had a girlfriend who was a narcissist and the man asked her for a date would she tell his wife?

First of all - why is a MARRIED man asking someone for a date? Narcissists love to hurt people - eventually she'd make sure the wife would find out.

Would a narcissist tell you that he loves you?

Yes, but only if he got something out of it.

What if your friend insists on visiting her home and she is living with a narcissist abuser?

Tell your friend that you are not comfortable during those visits and talk together on where you two can spend time as friends instead. Maybe a meet at a bench in the park.

Is it wrong to tell someone that you do not know that they are dealing with a narcissist?

Wow...I was wondering the same thing. I know for sure that someone I do not know "personally" is dealing with a narcissist. Yet, I would say follow your gut on this one. If you have had an experience with the narcissist that can actually enlighten the person in question, it may not hurt. It will probably save them lots of emotional energy and heartache down the line. In addition, by chance they have yet to see the signs, your advice may aid in identifying future "red flags"...No.

What do you do if your man loves you but you know he likes someone else?

you go to her house. meet her , tell her he loves you and she needs to find someone else