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The best thing to do is go to the dentist. Scince your tooth already hurts, I'm guessing it's already gotten pretty bad. If you go to the doctor soon enough, they'll give you a numbing shot and then drill the cavity decay from the tooth, clean the tooth and then fill in the cavity. The procedure doesn't hurt at all after the numbing shot, before the numbing shot they will give you a swab with solution on it that helps numb you gum so it won't hurt so much when they inject. Annd if you're worried about spending money to get the cavity fixed at the dentist, I say it's better to get it fixed than your tooth hurting. It's only going to hurt more and more. get your tooth fixed and take good care of your teeth so you won't get another cavity.

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Q: Cavity in your back tooth and it hurtrs what can i do i dont want to go to the dentist?
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What do you do if you have a huge painful cavity and part of your tooth broke off and your adult tooth is right underneath the cavity tooth?

Go to the dentist they will probably numb it and then pull it out or they will take your tooth out and sew it back up and then put it back in but that's normally only for permanent teeth (:

What is a tiny hole behind the back of a tooth?

i think you are referring to the lingual fossa.

You got a filling in your tooth bout 2 years ago it then fell out and you never got it fixed but you have this hole on your back tooth were it fell out.what will the dentist do?

The dentist will probably have to slightly enlarge the hole and put in a new filling. During the time since the filling fell out, the food you have eaten will have worn down the sides of the cavity and so the dentist may not be able to make a new filling stay in place without tidying up the cavity.

What to do when your back tooth hurts?

Go to the dentist obviously. To know specifically what it is, more information is needed but here are some possibilities: could be a cavity occurring somewhere along the back tooth which will require a dentist to fix through cleaning, drilling and filling. Or maybe if you are around your pre or early 20s, then it may be a sign of some impact among teeth caused by the development of the wisdom tooth which in turn causes some pain. Again, a dentist needed to confirm that.

Big whole in your back tooth what should you do?

Go to a dentist.

What is worn away if someone has a cavity?

the tooth enamel has eroded, leaving your tooth sensitive and vulnerable for bacteria to creep into your teeth, especially if it is your back molars. The bacteria will get into your tooth and cause decay, thus, a cavity.

Is it bad when after you get a cavity filled you have tooth aches?

This might mean that your bite is off meaning the filling was made to high causing pain due to the unstability....most dentist will allow you to come back in and they will fix it for free!

How will the dentist treat a tooth with a small hole in the front of it?

The whole is most likely from a cavity so they will put a filling in it. Most likely the dentist will get you numb. When you are numb they will drill out any decay and then shape the whole so it will hold a filling properly. If it is a front tooth, you will get a tooth colored filling. If it is a back tooth, you could get a silver filling or a tooth colored filling. That depends on your insurance, the docotor and you. If you have more questions, the dentist should answer any of them before beginning the work.

How do you save loose adult tooth?

Go the the dentist. If it comes out stick it back in.

How Do You Save A Loose Adult Tooth?

Go the the dentist. If it comes out stick it back in.

How many minutes do you have to put your tooth back in?

Actually, none because you can't physically put your tooth back in unless it's animated or a dentist puts it back in.

Can you take out a cavity?

A cavity, no matter what kind it is, is a hole. You cannot take out a hole, but you can fill it up. In the case of a tooth cavity, the dentist drills and picks out all of the rotten tooth, right down to good solid material. Then he swabs the cleaned cavity with a liquid to plug up the tiny tubules inside, and also to discourage bacteria growth. Then he packs it full of a silver mixture which is the best material for a long-lasting filling. So . . . no, I cannot take out a cavity because I am not a dentist.