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Chances will be most likely be lower, since the egg released at ovulation will most likely have degenerated at this point. Thus there is nothing to fertilize, and the sperm is on a futile mission.

However this is not a safe way to guess. Take a pregnancy test to be sure. Take another in ~3 weeks from now and be mindful if your next period does not appear.

Use Birth Control to be on the safe side, and remember only a condom will protect you from STDs.

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Q: Chances of gettting pregnant 6 days before your period when the man ejaculated inside of you?
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Can you get pregnant if the man has ejaculated 3 hours before making love?

Yup, sure can.

Does a man have to have previously ejaculated in order to get you pregnant from pre-ejaculate?

You can "pre-ejaculte" even if you have never ejaculated before and get a girl prgnant. There is almost always sperm in pre-ejaculate.

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The chances are VERY slim. The only way pre-cum could have sperm in it is if you ejaculated before the pre-cum, but the chances are slim to none.

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Yes you definitely could become pregnant. You would be very fertile around this time.

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If your period comes, it's unlikely that you're pregnant

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The same chances as if he hadn''s called pre-ejaculation.

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It's important that you allow for it to dissolve. Remember that it takes about fifteen minutes. To be safe, I insert it early and let at least twenty minutes pass before seriously engaging, but the instructions call for fifteen minutes. If the film came out completely, and he ejaculated within, the chances are pretty high.

Can you ge pregnant two days before period?

Yes unfurtunately you can. You can get pregnant any time really you just have slimmer chances when you are on your period.

Can you fall pregnant if comdom splits and male has not ejaculated?

it has not yet been proven but it is possible as the male leaks sperm before he ejaculates so there for it is possible but is a confusing question

Can14 years old boy make a baby?

Yes, usually - if you have ejaculated before (wet dream/ masturbation), as most guys have by 14, then you can make a woman pregnant.

You had bad cramps which you always get a day before your period and your boyfriend and you had unprotected sex and he ejaculated in you and your period never came. could this mean you are pregnant?

Yes, this certainly is a possibility.