

Create an anonymous array in java?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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An anonymous array in Java is just an array with its contents declared at instantiation.

Normal array declaration:

int[] nums = new int[3];

nums[0] = 0;

nums[1] = 1;

nums[2] = 2;

Anonymous array declaration:

int[] nums = new int[] {0,1,2};

The two examples above will each result in the same array.

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Array's can hold only primitive data types. if you want a collection of objects you must use an ArrayList or a Vector.

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An array in java is a collection of items stored into a single unit. The array has some number of slots (elements), each slot in the array can hold an object or a primitive value. Arrays in java are objects that can be treated just like other objects in the languageArrays can contain any type of element value , but we can't store different types in a single array. We can have an array of integers or an array of strings or an array of arrays.To create an array in java ,use three steps1. Declare a variable to hold the array2. Create a new array object and assign it to the array variable3. Store things in that array

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If you refering to Object then String[] something=new String[2]; Here you have to remember that something only allocated space for 2 String object but it did not created them yet. By default Objects are intantiated to null so if you try to print the content of an array System.out.println(something[0]);//print null System.out.println(something[0].toLowerCase()); Throws NullPointerException Couple other ways to create Arrays In java String[] something=new String[]{"Me","You"}; String[] something={"Me", "You"};

Create an array of 10 elements in java?

to create a new Java array use typeName[] arrayName = new typeName[10]; This gives an array with 10 elements. To set the elements you can use arrayName[index] = value; Remember that the index number starts at 0, so the array will only go to index 9. You can also declare the contents when the array is created typeName[] arrayName = {value1, vaue2, ...} The values used in the array must be objects. In java 5+ you can use primitive types with no concern due to auto-boxing.

Could array may have elements that are numbers and strings?

In Java:Not as primitives; but I believe you could create an array of Objects, and then initialize the elemnets as subtypes of the Object class, i.e., any class. I don't think this would be very practical (in Java); if (for example) you need to store information about people's names with their ages, create a class called "Person" that has those two attributes, then create an array of Persons.In Java:Not as primitives; but I believe you could create an array of Objects, and then initialize the elemnets as subtypes of the Object class, i.e., any class. I don't think this would be very practical (in Java); if (for example) you need to store information about people's names with their ages, create a class called "Person" that has those two attributes, then create an array of Persons.In Java:Not as primitives; but I believe you could create an array of Objects, and then initialize the elemnets as subtypes of the Object class, i.e., any class. I don't think this would be very practical (in Java); if (for example) you need to store information about people's names with their ages, create a class called "Person" that has those two attributes, then create an array of Persons.In Java:Not as primitives; but I believe you could create an array of Objects, and then initialize the elemnets as subtypes of the Object class, i.e., any class. I don't think this would be very practical (in Java); if (for example) you need to store information about people's names with their ages, create a class called "Person" that has those two attributes, then create an array of Persons.

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Who create Java & when? Why he create java ? What are mane functions of it?

Can an array contain elements of an object type?

Yes. An array of arrays is nothing more than a multi-dimensional array.

Prog to display array element?

Java solutionFortunately, Java has a number of useful functions in the java.util.Arrays class for us.A call to...System.out.println(java.util.Arrays.toString(array));...will print out any array.

How does one initialize a byte array in Java?

One can get information about how to initialize a byte array in java on the website stackoverflow dot com. That website can learn one a lot about java.

You can use a variable to declare an array's size true or false?

True and false in the same time, because even so you can declare array size using notation for variables you have use constwhich makes your variable basically a constant:const int arraySize = 10;In Java, you can use any expression to define the array size, when you create the array. Once you create an Array object, however, you can't redimension it - but you can create a new Array object and destroy the old one.