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Come into frequent contact with other groups.

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Q: Cultural diffusion occurs most rapidly in societies that?
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What cultural convergence occurs more rapidly with?

improved transportation

What occurs when people migrate and introduce their culture to other groups?

Cultural Diffusion

What caused cultural diffusion?

Cultural diffusion occurs via human migration, intercultural marriages or cultural exchange via letters, books or electronic media. It is a phenomenon in which specific cultural concepts, ideas or technologies spread from one culture to another. cultural diffusion is categorized into three types: direct, forced and indirect.

Rapid cultural diffusion which occurs under the influence of a more dominant culture is called?


What occurs when culture traits from one culture are adopted by another culture?

The term is cultural diffusion, or cultural exchange. The exact results can vary with anything from new technology or ideas to a drastic change in culture. Look up "cultural diffusion" or "cultural exchange" for maximum information.

Why do societies have culture conflict?

cultural conflict occurs between human only peoples they have not enough faith in their religion

Diffusion between two gases occurs most rapidly if the gases are at?

high temperature and the molecules are small

What are some examples of cultural diffusion in America?

- food - clothes - languages (considering there is no official language for the U.S.) - music etc. food clothing and languages that didn't originate in that country or it was new to their country.

Where diffusion occur?

Diffusion occurs on the cell membrane.

How does cultural duffusion take place?

Cultural diffusion occurs when ideas, practices, or beliefs are spread from one culture to another through contact, trade, migration, or technology exchange. This process can result in the blending of different cultural elements and the formation of new cultural practices and norms.

What are the three ways in which cultural diffusion occurs?

Disease's spread via liquids, food, body fluids, touching contaminated objects, and airborne.

What does contagous diffusion mean in human geogragphy?

Contagious diffusion occurs when a cultural trend is transmitted from person to person from an original source to numerous others, similar to a virus. Even the name 'viral videos' speaks to the idea of a contagion.