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They had to be accepted by their tribe. Most owned farms, fished, had businesses or trades.

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Q: Did Athens citizens have to own land?
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Why do you think they lived in Athens and not in Sparta?

Who is they. The citizens of Sparta lived in Sparta. The citizens of Athens lived in Athns. Each preferred their own city, which is why they were citizens of that city.

Which group voted on laws in Athens?

The Assembly

Could metics own land in Athens Greece?


Did you have to be a male to be a citizen of Athens?

yes you had to be a male 18 and over and own land to be a citizen of Athens

Who were metic?

They were resident aliens of ancient Athens. They were seen as citizens but only had the burdens of citizenship. Because of their ranking they led low paying jobs. Like male citizens male Metics also had to fight in war.

Can an American own land in Saskatchewan Canada?

I do not believe there is any prohibition against it. If Canadian citizens can (and DO) own property in the US I have every reason to believe that US citizens can own land in Canada.

How did citizens gain power in Athens?

Since Athens was a democracy the citizens won them over by politics.

Who voted in Athens?

only males that were citizens of athens

Which had citizens as the upper class between Sparta and Athens?

Athens had citizens as the upper class Sparta's upper class was called equals not citizens.

Is it in Sparta or in Athens that only men could be citizens of a polis?

in Sparta were only free men citizens?

What did Athenians consider citizenship?

Many of the Athenians considered citizenship a privilege.

Why couldn't women vote in Athens?

Woman couldnt vote in Athens because, only people with land can vote. Woman couldnt own land, thus, not being allowed to vote :)