

Did Einstein ever have a theory of gravity?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, Einstein did produce a theory of gravity, and it is more accurate than Newton's theory of gravity.

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What is Einstein's theory of gravity called?

The theory that Einstein developed which pertains to gravity is called general relativity.

From what scientific starting point did Einstein deduce his Theory of General Relativity?

Einstein deduced his Theory of General Relativity from trying to understand gravity, it was essentially his theory of how gravity worked and why it functioned that way

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Albert einstein

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What did Einstein have to do with gravity?

In his General Theory of Relativity, he provides some interesting insight into the nature of gravity.

Why is Einstein's theory of relativity an improvement on Newton's theory of gravity?

It will be replaced by a new theory when enough evidence is collected

What is a parabolic graph?

Look at Einstein's theory on gravity. It is shown on a parabolic graft.

Doesn't Einstein's space-time need Newton's gravity to work?

The fourth section of Einstein's theory of relativity does not need Newton's theory of gravity. Einstein's theory stands on its own. Still, in order to gain a good understanding of the workings of gravity, it is good to start with Newton's equations. With Newton, you are starting with the actions of bodies at rest or going slow. When you are concerned about the exact position of a satellite orbiting the earth and its effect on a signal sent at the speed of light that you need to get into Einstein's theory.

Who developed the theory of realtivity?

Albert Einstein is credited with developing the theory of relativity. His groundbreaking work on the subject revolutionized our understanding of space, time, and gravity.

Who was the scientist who believed that gravity made all object fall at the same time?

You are referring to Albert Einstein's Theory of Gravity.

Why is Einstein's theory of gravity widely accepted today?

Because the effects that the theory predicts have been confirmed in many ways.

Why is Einstein's theory of general relativity so important?

For it basically means that he has explained how gravity works