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Yes, he was a British officer

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Q: Did George Washington fight in the French and Indian Wars?
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What year did George Washington fight the French and Indian War?


What war did George Washington fight in before the Revolutionary War?

He was in the French and Indian War.

Did any of the founding fathers fight in the French and Indian war?

George Washington FLVS:)

Did George Washington led troops from Virginia to fight the french?

No, George Washington did not lead troops from Virginia to fight the French. However, he did lead the Virginia Regiment in the French and Indian War, which was a conflict between the British and the French.

Why did George Washington want to join the British Royal Navy?

George Washington was NEVER a member of the British Royal Navy, but he did fight in the British Army during the French and Indian War

When did George Washington fight on the French and Indian War?

The British surrender came on October 19, 1781. The siege had begun in late September after a French naval victory on September 5.

Who was young Virginia surveyor who led militia in french and Indian war he later was commander of the American forces during the revolutionary war?

George Washington was a young surveyor who came to Virginia to help fight the French. Washington was only twenty-one years old when the French moved troops into Virginia.

What war did Washington fight in?

Washington fought in the French and Indian War and the American Revolutionary War

How many wars did George Washington fight?

George Washington was in two wars. The French and Indian War and the Revolutionary War. He was only a field grade officer during the French and Indian War. He tried to become an officer in the British Army. However, he got denied. Then when America started to pull away from Britian, George Washington declared his alligence to America and its cause. The people declared him the commanding general of the Continental Army. He then went on to fight and lead the army in the Revolutionary War.

Did George Washington fight in any wars?

Yes, he was a British officer in the French and Indian War. When the American Revolution came along he went to Congress and used his experience in the French and Indian war to get the job as commander of colonial troops.

How Was George Washington A Patriot?

George Washington became a patriot after he join the Virginia military during the French and Indian War, and he became A leader of the army. He was chosen to be the Commander of the Continental Army when the thirteen colonies decided to fight the British. In 1789 George Washington became a President of the United States of America(a wonderful patriot).

Who led 150 virginiammilita troops to fight the french at fort duquesne?

George Washington