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* It is important one pay attention to the word 'alleged' in print because the meaning is: 'declared, but not proved.' Barack Obama has had someone allegedly making statements that he has had not one, but many mistresses. The woman in question is Vera Baker and it is allegedly stated that Obama's wife had her exiled to Martinique. However, while the human race loves to bring a person to the height of great power, they also love to try to tear them down, so until proven without a doubt there is no evidence to date that the new President as of January 20, 2009 has had any mistress at all. It is also stated that allegedlyHilary Clinton's opposition researchers came up with this information. They planned to wait until after the election to break the scandal. Americans as well as Canadians must realize that a President or anyone of power is not exempt from having a personal life which should be theirs (short of murder) and 'smear campaigns' are used to heighten media attention. Whatever Barack Obama has done in his personal life should not be considered a problem as to carrying out his duties as President of the United States. * With the exception that it involves character. For one to be the President of the United States, he must be of good character.

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12y ago

No, there is no evidence of this at all. Tabloids just about always say that famous people (including presidents) are having affairs, but more often than not, these articles are false, intended mainly to sell copies of the publication rather than to tell the truth. In the case of President Obama, there is no credible proof that he has ever cheated on his wife, who (by all accounts) he seems to love very much.

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Q: Did Obama have an affair
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