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Lots of things. Many people refer to this period as the Intertestamental Period. Many important developments for the understanding of the NT took place; for instance, the group referred to as Pharisees took shape. Many of the happenings of this period are recounted in the books called Deutero-Canonical by the Roman Catholic Church and Apocryphal by Protestants. For more information, one might read these books, which include the likes of 1 and 2 Maccabees. Or, one might consider a course of study on the History of Israel.

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15y ago

The Old Testament is divided as the Old Testament is about before the birth of Christ. And the New Testament is about after the birth of Christ and the Apostles books. Also, the New Testament was never a part of the Old Testament anyway as it was written hundreds of years after it.

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God most likely spoke to individuals ,but the time between the old and the new testament are reffered to as the 400 years of Silence.

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The Intertestamental Period

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Q: Why was the New Testament divided from the Old Testament?
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