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Possibly, but no one really knows.

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Q: Did some people made a lot of money by hiring out boats and carts in great in fire of London?
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How did people in Pompeii ship things?

They used boats to trade products as well as horse and carts.

What was the first mode of transportation?

it was walking, horse, boats, carts horse drawn carts, that some of them

What did the Sumerians use for transportation?

sumerians used wheels for transportationthey also used animals like donkeysthe people of sumer also made and used boats and carts for transportation

How did people in Ancient Rome carry their goods?

Things were carried by hand, in carts, boats,,by horse, in baskets, boxes.

What do people ride or take in Romania to get from place to place?

Buses, microbuses, cars Motorcycles, bicycles Planes Boats Carts

What transport did people use in olden times?

bullock carts, boats, bicycles, horse carriages, sledges, horses, camels,

What kind of transportation did the Sumerians use?

Ox carts and boats

How did people travel in ancient?

In Ancient time Indian People used Bullock Carts, horses, Chariots, Foot, Boats, Elephants and Donkeys in travelling

How did people travel before railways are invented?

Horse-drawn wagons and carts, or on horseback, or on foot. Boats were another option of course.

What transportation did aryans use?

Ships, boats, and carts were used :P

How did miners get to Australia in the gold rush?

People came here from around the world in boats, some people who lived in Australia walked all the way to gold mines. People also went to the gold mines in carriages and carts (thousands of Chinese went in boats).

What was transportation like before the California gold rush?

most of the time people had to walk or use carts and to go across the ocean the had to use boats.