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Q: Did the Jehovah witness start the civil war in El Salvador?
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What do you call A person who usually witnesses?

a witness of Jehovah cos that is the only religion one will be identified with once you start preaching.

What is it like for someone born into the Jehovah's Witness religion?

I was born into the religion, it's really great being born into it you start knowing so much about Jehovah and what he believes and Jesus and the heavenly angels, but, it's also fine to come into being a Jehovah's Witness when your older you can learn faster and you have support from the many other Witnesses.

Can a 12 year old Jehovah's Witness start wearing blue eyeshadow?

That would be up to the 12 year old's parents to approve of.

What are the start and finish times of the Jehovah's witness in La Coruna Spain in July?

jehovahs witnesses have been going fron the beginning of time they were called bible students in early days they changed there name to jehovahs witnesses because they are doing the witness work the was done by jesus when he was on earth and also because jehovah is the almightys personal name hence jehovahs witnesses

When did Jehovah's Witnesses start and by whom Christ or a man?

There were Witnesses of Jehovah God long before Jesus was on earth. Really, anyone who serves Jehovah God, is 'by-nature' one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Actually, in the Bible, Able is listed as the first Witness of Jehovah God.Even Jesus is called in Revelation as 'a faithful witness'. Therefore Jesus was also a Witness of Jehovah God.Answer: No human started Jehovah's Witnesses. Not even Jesus started it on earth. I suppose that really Jehovah God himself started it, by CREATING Humans to BE HIS WITNESSES. Jehovah didn't want Adam & Eve to be witnesses of his adversary, Satan.If you are just limiting your question to modern times - - - well, the name 'Jehovah's Witnesses, was available for anyone before 1931. But no one wanted anything to do with that name 'Jehovah'. They had all been taught to worship his son, Jesus. For many people, just the word 'Jehovah' is an aversion (meaning it makes their stomach crawl).But there was a group that called themselves 'Bible Students'. They saw that many Bible translations deleted God's personal name from their Bibles. This bothered them. So in 1931 they drew up a Resolution; and determined to being called by what they really already were, Witnesses of Jehovah God. To shorten it up, they called themselves: Jehovah's Witnesses.

Are they also known as Jehovah's Wittnesses?

I am not sure who is the "they" that you are asking about, but I will start off the discussion of this question by saying that many in the Bible were known as witnesses of Jehovah God. Hebrews chapter 11 lists many, many famous, faithful people such as Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Moses, and others who Hebrews 12:1 identifies as a "great cloud of witnesses." Who were they witnesses of? The Bible clearly identifies the name of the God whom they worshipped and therefore were witnesses of. His name is Jehovah.(Exodus 6:3, Psalms 83:18) Jesus is the greatest example of being a witness. While on earth, he served as a witness (1 Timothy 6:13) and even after his ascention and glorification in heaven is still referred to as "The Faithful Witness." (Revelation 1:5) What or whom was he, and is he a witness of? Since he is the "word" or spokesman for God(John 1:14), he is a witness of Jehovah. This is further indicated by the fact that he refers to the God of Mary (a Jewess), as his God and Father. (John 20:17) Since Mary was a Jew, her God was Jehovah, the God of the Jews. Likewise, Jesus' God is Jehovah.

Jehovah's Witness when did it start in Australia?

i believe they came over from various differrent countries just before the second world war and many came around the 1960 era before the vietcong war...

When did Jehovah wittness start?


Can a Jehovah Witness male date a non Jehovah witness woman and consider marriage?

No, he is not allowed, he may only date girls which are in the same religion, and here arises the question: "Why?", You see, if the girlfriend worships other gods, she can start bringing the man's faith down to an end or even worse, converting him, same thing with atheism, there are two perfect examples: King David and King Solomon, both of them had many wives, some were worshipping other gods, praying to statues, and doing some rituals, those kind of things are classed as satanic, so Jehovah doesn't allow such relationships for the man's safety, Jehovah doesn't want him brought down or converted to a faith Jehovah and Jehovah's Witnesses shun, If someone is a baptized witness then he shouldn't leave his faith, but do what he promised Jehovah when he took baptism. If the girlfriend converted to the same faith and got baptized because she started loving Jehovah, the man can marry her, although there were cases of women or men baptized just to be with their love, hope that answers your question.

When did the religion of the Jehovah's Witnesses start?

The modern day history of Jehovah's Witnesses began in 1870.

Did the religion of Jehovah start in 1970?

No Jehovah's Witnesses modern day history started in 1870.

When did jahovas witness start?