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The Civil War was caused largely because of trade inequities between the industrialized north and the agrarian south. The "Rebels" were the southerners, and although some southerners were in favor of the abolitionist movement, the majority were not. Farming is a very labor intensive task, and slaves were the only practical way to conduct farming prior to tractors and other farm machinery.

Acutely they wanted to keep the confederates from leaving the United States.

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Q: Did the rebels during the civil war want to free slaves?
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How did economics effect slaves during the US Civil War?

the economic effected slaves during the civil war because when slaves got free they had 2 pay their own duse 2 everything

Why did Lincoln free the slaves DURING the civil war?

To weaken the Confederate states.

What was the lifestyle of a slave during the Civil War?

Slaves were treated poorly in the South, were it was legal. They were free in the north.

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to free all slaves from slavry in the south

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It's all Lincolns fault.

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The Union soldiers thought that they were fighting for slaves to be free.

When were slaves free at last?

after the civil war

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Would slaves be set free if they fought in the Civil War?

Technically slaves could not fight in the war unless they had permission from the owners or there owners had made them fight. But at the end of the Civil War all the slaves were set free this is what the civil war was about the North wanted the slaves to be set free but the south wanted slaves as they relied on them for there economy. this was the Cotton indusrty mainly when the North won the war they decleared all slaves free.

How many slaves were set free at the end of the civil war?

All slaves were set free after the Civil War and slavery was banned in every state for the present and future.

Why was slavery so important for some people during the civil war?

Slaves worked for free and were owned like a car or property. The slaves made people a lot of money.

What happened if you are alive in emancipation proclamation?

emancipation proclamation was something Lincoln passed to free the slaves in the confederate are during the civil war