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please research this more, but by the very nature of the words in your question, we can assume the answer. Evolution is the changing of a species to better suit its surroundings or habitat (in a rough sense). Divergence is splitting apart and convergence is coming together.

So we can assume that convergent evolution is two different species that share similar living conditions can predictably evolve some of the same functions, like sapsuckers and hummingbirds both evolve long beaks and tongues for reaching into deep places for their food.

Divergent evolution must be the evolution of one thing into two separate things, like when one species population is separated, and these 2 new populations are exposed to different conditions, they will evolve to be different. Look at any ground squirrel compared to a tree squirrel. A ground squirrel doesn't need the big bushy tail, since it doesn't need to keep its balance in the treetops (this assumes, of course, that they both evolved from the same parent species, which i can't confirm). In this hypothetical situation, it was a waste of calories to grow the useless tail that just made them easier to catch by predators and harder to camouflage on the ground, so while their cousins develop a bigger, fluffier one that helps them balance on tree branches, the ground squirrels evolve to lose more and more of their tails.

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