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Q: Do Vicryl sutures in the knee need removing?
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Can you have sutures on the inside?

The short answer is yes. Sutures are used to hold skin or parts of your body together. When they are used internally, they can be absorbable or non-absorbable sutures. Non-absorbable sutures can be left in the body for a number of reasons and usually to hold something together for life, like a vasectomy, and as the name suggest absorbable sutures will absorbe into your body over time and never need removing.

How long do cat gut sutures need to stay in?

You need to check with you vet on that, it will vary.

When do you need to get a knee brace?

When you get a knee injury.

How do you know if you need knee surgery?

Pain, discomfort, deformity, unstable knee and frequent locking of the knee will indicate the need for surgery

What does it mean when the sutures of the skull are no longer visible?

It could mean two things One they were desolvable sutures or two they were left in to long and the wound healed up over them, and they need to be removed by a Doctor

How long does cat wear cone after declawing?

Normally until the sutures come out, which is around 10-14 days. Most cats take out their own sutures :0). You can also take off the cone and try putting a bitter apple cream around the suture area, not on the sutures but around it to keep the cat from licking at the suture area excessively. Best to do what your Veterinarian told you to do.

Do you need to wear a knee brace for running if you have had knee injuries?

Knee braces can be very beneficial if you have had knee injuries in the past and you may find that you will need this for activities such as running. The best way to find out if you need a knee brace would be to contact your Doctor or Physio Therapist who will be able access if this will be needed.

Do you need surgery for a segond fracture of the knee?

segond fracture of the knee the surgery

Do you need a knee brace for your contusion?

You do not need a knee brace if you are sure that it is just a contusion. A knee brace can be helpful for ligament and cartilage injuries and sometimes is used if there is some doubt.

How many days after getting sutures can you wash your hair?

This question is something you need to ask your doctor about. When the cut is healing well.

Need workers to bend and straighten the knee?


Where can I find information regarding knee exercises?

Information regarding knee exercises can be acquired in two places depending your current need, a hospital if it refers to knee pain, or a gym fro exercises regarding the knee's performance.