

Do animals prefer to be in zoos?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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15y ago

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NO! They want to be in the wild! Which is their home! Well, there are some instances when they may prefer the zoo, compared to where they are coming from. Sometimes a zoo gets animals from cramped, little traveling circuses, small road side petting sites, and individuals unprepared for the wild animal they bought when it was a tiny baby. Also, sometimes a zoo takes in an injuried animal, or one that needs special care after an accident or intentional mistreatment. It is an unjust, and sad fact that lots of animals live in horrible conditions that most people wouldn't dream of subjecting them to! Cramped into dirt lots with little room to run and no room for climbing. Cages, concerte, and trailers are their only spaces. They are too wild to be handled often, or trained to do tricks, then put away when the show is over, and the people go. So, many times a good, big zoo, with professional caregivers, and concerned people on the watch, is a wonderful haven to animals unable to return to their home in wild. I know it isn't their home, but then most have never known their real, "wild" homes. In fact, the zoo may be the first time they've had the chance to meet others of their own race. To run flat out with out chains, or fences. To climb a tree, or hill, or swim in a pool or mud wallow. So, this might be freedom to a lion held in someone's back-yard in a cage all it's life. An elephant from a circus might prefer a zoo to preforming tricks on ageing joints, and standing on concrete, or in trailers the rest of the time. So, if you are really asking what do they prefer? To live heathly happy lives, where they can breed, play and raise their young. Where the food is plentiful and they can follow the path of nature. To be left in peace in the little wild they have left. Don't take them out of the wild in the first place. Then you have the problem of the animals going extinct?!?! Do you help?

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