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Most likely not without some counseling.

Most abusers are serial abusers. They continue to abuse others in successive relationships, pretty much with the same MO (mode of operation).

I don't think so. We all have patterns for relationships in our lives....I do believe, with good therapy, that victims can choose better mates and choose better relationships. I firmly believe, though, that abuser tend to go back to their old ways eventually...the only thing that can mellow an abuser is old age (feeble).

I escaped my abuser over 3 months ago. He is still trying to abuse, intimidate and control me. And he has been actively looking for his next victim for months. Even before I broke up with him. I even begged him for the last year to find someone else knowing that he (in the past) always had one on the hook before he left the current one!!!!!

I find that sometimes I think of others before myself. I have learned a good bit about controlling relationships but find I attract those types of people in my life and am frighten of doing the same thing again. I have a psychologist whom is helping me but would love to get into a relationship but want it to be a healthy one.

I believe not...its becomes habit..they get in that mode..they get use to it and cant seem to function any other way..

no they don't just change with out help, because people who are abusive were probably abused them self or seen other people abused. so they abuse people them self because it makes them feel like their in control and have more power.

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Q: Do emotionally abusive people stop the abuse when moving on to another relationship?
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