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I can't know for sure but my narcissist would say how he regretted the things he'd done in the past to people that loved him and he loved and would go on and on about that never again, would he do this to someone, and when we split up, it was actually him that ended it because "he could do better and he deserves someone perfect, not like me" but he completely went overboard with his reactions, he did some of the most bizarre underhanded things slandering my name all over while blaming everyone but himself for it, another thing he swore he had changed (blaming others) and he would do the things that he swore up and down he would never do to someone ever again, especially to me he would say, and he would actually, for a very, very long time, no matter what happened, do things to intentionally hurt me and others and it was almost as if he was obsessed with watching people hurt and in the end when most of us would look back and say wow, I really overreacted, I really screwed up and they really cared about me and loved me for who i was, which is something I see happen when people grow up, he did the absolute opposite and did not seem to have the instinct that most people have that says, enough is enough, where you turn around and really notice, wow, I can't believe what I've done. He seemed to be totally lacking that aspect and I have never seen someone, even the biggest jerk that lacked it that way. You know with most, that one day they will turn around and say holy cow, what have I done to them, but he did not have that in him. I would have to say no, they only regret it when they get something out of it. No, they don't, but they will say they do as many times as they can come back to that old source of narcissic supply. To them, saying they regret it and are sorry are just words they have to say to get what they want. If a narcissist is using you like this, expect him to be gone the second he gets bored of you. He'll try to use you when he's in between sources. Mine just emailed me fishing around to see if I was good for any NS. It's like the way they ask to borrow money and don't pay it back. I just don't respond and I won't hear from him for months. It's amazing how ignoring the narcissist makes them just go away. A normal person would ask what's wrong. They could only if they have realized that their current narcissistic supply was not as good and profitable as their former one. Or also, they could realize it if they are still insecure about the new supply. Like they don't know if the next move is going to turn out right and they want to keep you standing by. If they do, it won't be sincere. They don't value love like normal people value love. They see love as a benefit that they are entitled to. To them, losing a loved one is like having their cellphone plan canceled. Of course they "regret" it, but more in the sense that they feel enraged that the "love service" is discontinued, not in the sense that they feel sorry for it.

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Q: Do narcissists eventually realize and regret when they have lost someone that loved them?
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