

Do people live in svalbard

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Do people live in svalbard
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Why do people live in svalbard?

People live in Svalbard primarily for work opportunities in industries such as mining, research, tourism, and administration. The unique Arctic environment and tax benefits also attract individuals seeking adventure and a peaceful lifestyle in a remote setting.

How many people live in svalbard?

Fewer than 2500.

What do people eat in svalbard?

Penguins and icebears

How many people visit Svalbard each year?

Almost above 10lakh people visit Svalbard each year but its hard to figure out the exact number.

Why do polar bears live in Svalbard?

Why not? There's plenty of sea ice, a necessity for their habitat, it doesn't get too warm in the summer, and there are very few people.

What county is svalbard in?


What continent is svalbard in?

Svalbard is located in the Arctic Ocean and is considered part of Europe. It is an archipelago situated north of mainland Europe, between Norway and the North Pole.

Can you get a train in svalbard?

There are no trains in Svalbard.

Is svalbard a country?

Svalbard is a part of Norway.

What ocean is svalbard in?

Svalbard is in the Artic Ocean.

What do the people of Svalbard do for a living?

The economy of Svalbard is primarily based on coal mining, research activities, tourism, and administration related to the Svalbard Treaty. Many residents work in these sectors, with some also engaged in services, hospitality, and education. Fishing and hunting are also limited economic activities.

How many people leave in Svalbard?

Fewer than 2500 total.