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Some people who believe in horoscopes believe in God while others do not. Some may believe in other gods.

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Q: Do people that believe in horoscopes believe in God?
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Is a daily horoscope reliable?

Many people believe in daily horoscopes. There is nothing scientific to support this but it is up to your own discretion to determine if you believe in horoscopes.

How many people believe horoscopes?

I believe in horoscopes- my own, anyway. I just made one using my Tarot cards for June 26 2007- June 26 2008. It looks pretty good for my family- except for September.

Do you believe your daily horoscope?

This is a subjective question, but answering as objectively as possible will be the goal here. Daily Horoscopes change many people's outlook on their day, and many believe in it, while there is also the group that does not in any way pay attention to daily horoscopes.

If horoscopes aren't real why do we use them then?

For entertainment. People like to hear their fortunes, even if they don't really believe in it.

What do you call people who write horoscopes?

An Astrologer is someone who writes horoscopes. :D

What are people who do not believe in a god called?

People who do not believe in a god are called atheists.

how many people believe in god?

I believe in god. also, write why u believe in god :)

Is it scientific to believe in horoscopes or numerology to predict your future outcomes?

Astrological horoscopes and numerology are considered divination arts and not recognized by the Scientific community.

Why did God create people that do not believe in him?

* God did not really create people. So, he did not create people who do not believe in him. If there is an all-powerful God, why would he need, above all else, that people believe in him? * God created people with a free will. They can then choose whether to believe or not.

Did God create gay people?

This depends entirely on what you believe about God. Most people who believe in God, believe that God created everything. Since being gay is part of nature, and not a choice, then it follows if you believe God created everything, then you must believe God created gay people.

Do some English people believe in god?

Yes, I'm sure some English people believe in God.

What is the main god that mesopotamian people believe in?

there is no MAIN god that Mesopotamia people believe in, that is why they are polytheims.