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No, you wouldn't, because technically the word 'past' is not apart of the person's title. In this case, 'past' is simply an adjective and is being used to describe, not define, the subject. On the other hand, the word 'president', as his title, would define the subject; therefore, 'president' should be capitalized.

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1mo ago

Yes, you would capitalize the 'P' in past president as it is part of a title when referring to a specific individual who held the position of president in the past.

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14y ago

It depends. If it's a specific title (e.g., the 2009 Presidential Inaugural Committee), yes; if it's generic (e.g., the presidential seal was placed on the podium), no.

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12y ago

Only if it directly precedes the name of the president.

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Q: Do you capitalize the 'p' in past when referring to a past president?
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