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Yes, from a practical standpoint at the present time. No third party candidate has ever won, but there is no legal reason why it could not happen. In the past there have been some Congressmen elected from minor parties and minor party candidates have won some electoral votes in the past.

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Q: Do you have to belong to one of the two major political parties to be president?
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Who often selected the states chairperson for the major political parties?

the president

How many years does major and minor political parties nominate candidates for president and vice president?

Major and minor political parties nominate candidates for president and vice president every four years during the presidential election cycle.

Today each of the two major political parties chooses its final candidates for president and vice president by?

national nominating convention

What are two major political parties in the political parties today?

republicans and democrates

Types of political parties?

Political parties usually have their basis in shared political ideologies and objectives. In the United States the two major political parties are the Republican and Democrat parties.

What are two major political parties in the US and Georgia?

federalists and the democratic-republicans

What are the major political parties in the US?

The Democratic and Republican parties.

Do most Americans belong to the same political party?

No, most Americans do not belong to the same political party. The United States has a two-party system, with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party being the major political parties. However, there are also many Americans who identify as independents or belong to smaller, third-party organizations.

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Who are the two candidates competing to be the President of Unted States?

The major parties are putting forward Barak Obama and John McCain with numerous others appearing as representatives of minor political parties.