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You have to prove when,were,why it happened.Tell the police what carrier the harassing text messages are on.

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Q: Do you have to prove harassment to file harassment charges in Louisiana?
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Do you have to have prove harassment to file harassment charges in Michigan?

Proving harassment can be very difficult. It depends on the frequency of the behavior. For instance, stalking is two or more unwanted encounters with the person. Threatening letters, emails constitute harassment, too.

How do you file harassment charges in Colorado?

Police department

What are the steps to file harassment charges or get a restraining order?

with who do I file a harrasement charge?

What is the California statute of limitations for sexual harassment lawsuits.?

California has a limit of 180 days to file charges with the EEOC for sexual harassment cases. If filing with the DFEH, there is a one year limit to file.

Left job due to harassment?

If you left your job due to harassment, you need to not let the person get away with it. You should contact your employer and file charges.

Do you have to have proof harasement to file harassment charges in Pennsylvania?

While it is helpful to have proof of harassment when filing charges in Pennsylvania, it is not always required. Testimony or evidence from witnesses, documentation of the harassment, or patterns of behavior may also support a harassment claim. It is best to consult with a legal professional to determine the strength of your case.

A 17 year old girl has threatened to jump a 16 year old girl and her parents want to know if they can file harassment charges on such a nonspecific threat?

Well if you prove that she has threatened her then they will do something about it as its all over the television about bullying.

How long do you have to file assault charges against a child?

Usually you can't after the injuries have healed unless you have photos to prove it. It's best to file the charges at the time of the incident

Can you give a restring order to some one for bullying?

Bullying is legally considered a form of harassment. The thing about restraining orders (at least where I live,) is that you must press charges for harassment first, and then once you have pressed charges for harassment you may file for a restraining order. I don't know where you are from, and I'm not a lawyer so I'm not 100% sure about the laws on this, but I have been told that is how it works in my state. In short- yes, you can get a restraining order against someone who is bullying you, as long as you can prove that they have continued to bully/harass you even after you have asked/told them to stop.

Can you file harassment charges on a 16 year old who just said happy birthday to your son who is 18 years of age?

With no history of harassment between them before that it is not harassment to say Happy birthday. If you asked her previously to stay away, just get a restraining order.

How do you prosecute a cyber bully on a private chat website?

It all depends... if your state has a law against cyber bullying or even harassment all you need to do is print off what he/she is saying, get an adult (or trusted friend) to help get it to the court and file for harassment charges.

If your neighbors excessively call the police just because you carry a concealed weapon could you bring up harassment charges on them since its your constitutional right to keep and bear arms?

No. Private individuals cannot make or file criminal charges. If you feel that their actions are harassment, you could report it to the police. However, reporting suspected criminal behavior to the police is probably not going to be sufficient to make a case for criminal harassment.