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Q: Does a father have to pay child support if the mother is a minor?
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Can mother get support when father is a minor?

Absolutely. Child support is designed for the benefit of the child.

I am in California...If a child gets pregnant while living with her mother does the father have to pay child support for the child's child as well?

Child support for the grandchild is the responsibility of the grandchilds father, not the grandchild. If the father is a minor, you can take his parents to court for support.

What if the father is a minor and mother is an adult when child was born does father still have to pay child support?

yes, even if it involves statutory rape.

Can a father be put on child support by a minor's mother?

A mother does not render child support orders. The petition must be filed through the courts and the courts will render a decision according to state laws.

If a minor child changes residences from mother to father can the child support money be taken away from the mother in an unmodifiable divorce decree?

A modification need to be done to transfer the obligation from the father to the mother. see link below

what options does a father have to stop child support when the mother has allowed their minor child to dropout of school?

Unless there is a stipulation in the court order, nothing.

Does the mother get child support or is the kid supposed to?

The parent is supposed to get the child support, not the minor child.

If the father of an unborn child is a minor who is responsible for child support?

The parents of the child, regardless of their ages. And regardless of whether the mother is an adult. see links below

Who is responsible for paying child support if the father of mother of the child is a minor?

Just because you're a minor doesn't mean you don't have to pay child support! You have to be responsible for the life you helped to create. Next time, remember to buy condoms.

Can a father file sole custudy of a child when the mother is a minor?

He can try, but the minor mother have equal rights to the child. They will not remove the child from her based on the fact that she is a minor as long as she is a fit parent.

Does support stop when the mother dies?

Of course not. Child support is for the support of a minor child. Why should the child be deprived of financial support if her mother dies. The order can be modified and it will be paid over to her legal guardian if that person is not the other parent.Of course not. Child support is for the support of a minor child. Why should the child be deprived of financial support if her mother dies. The order can be modified and it will be paid over to her legal guardian if that person is not the other parent.Of course not. Child support is for the support of a minor child. Why should the child be deprived of financial support if her mother dies. The order can be modified and it will be paid over to her legal guardian if that person is not the other parent.Of course not. Child support is for the support of a minor child. Why should the child be deprived of financial support if her mother dies. The order can be modified and it will be paid over to her legal guardian if that person is not the other parent.

Does father of married minor have to pay child support?

No, when married the minor becomes emancipated.