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I never had it in any of mine, talk to your gyne just in case!

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Q: Does a small piece of brown discharge during pregnancy is normal?
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Is brown discharge normal in second trimester of pregnancy?

You should see a doctor for any sort of discharge during pregnacy. It could be an infection which they would need to treat.

Is it normal to have little bits of brown discharge at 12 weeks?

It is fairly normal, yes. However, if you experience pain and the discharge gets brighter or heavier, go and see the doctor/midwife/obstetrician straight away. Most women have some kind of brown discharge during pregnancy though.

What color is implantation during pregnancy?

red/brown/pink its a tiny weeny bit of blood mine was in my discharge

If i have Positive pregnancy test but have cramps and when i wipe slight pinkish discharge?

Some light cramping can be normal along with some light pink or brown discharge with a pregnancy. But it's best to check with your OB/GYN for a more accurate answer for your exact situation.

What does it mean when you have a brown discharge coming from your nose?

Brown nasal discharge can be a sign that there is bleeding in the nose or sinuses. Which are hollow cavities in the nose. A brown nasal discharge is not normal.

Is it correct to have brown discharge during ovulation?

Yes, you can ovulate when you have brown discharge. Brown discharge is just spotting, this is when smallamounts of blood mix with your discharge, it can occur for multiple reasons including as a result of ovulation.

What is the meaing of tight stomach and early light period with brown discharge?

The brown discharge could be a sign of pregnancy, or just your period. The only way to know is to get a pregnancy test. Safe sex, kiddos.

Is a brown vaginal discharge after your period normal?


Is it normal to have brown discharge in your pants even though you have never had a period?

Yes, it is normal to see brown discharge even though you've not reached menarche. The brown discharge is light bleeding that has gone brown as it has aged and it mixes with your discharge. This can be a result of hormonal changes as your body prepares itself to ovulate and menstruate.

You have all the signs of pregnancy leaking colostrum tired brown discharge but you have a negative pregnancy test?

those are not signs of pregnancy. leaking colostrum doesnt happen until late in pregnancy or after birth. brown discharge just sounds like the end of period or you are just diseased.

Sore large breasts and ive had period cramps for over a week i did 2 pregnancy tests show faint pos results when i urinated this morning brown discharge on toilet paper and in bowl is this normal?

it sounds like you may indeed be in the early stages of pregnancy, in which case the sore breasts are normal, faint positives are normal, the brown discharge is even normal! The colour of the discharge is due to the fact that any pregnancy that may be present is gaining weight day by day and in doing so puts pressure on the cervix, which in turn dislodges any old period blood which may be lying around at or beside the cervix.

Is a brown discharge normal after period?

Brown discharge after menses is perfectly normal. As the flow of blood slows down it takes longer for it to expel from the body therefore turning brown becoming "old" blood.