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According to the web and book sources I'm looking at, female yellow-rumped warblers lay 4 or 5 eggs and incubate them for up to 13 days. The eggs are laid in a nest typically made up of moss, strips of bark, and grass. The nest itself is usually in a coniferous tree.

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ALL birds lay eggs (that is, the females do) No bird gives birth to live young.

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Q: Does a yellow rumped warbler lay eggs or have young?
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A parasitic relationship. The cucko lays its eggs in a warbler (E.g Reed warbler)

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The cuckoo is a parasitic bird (with only a few exceptions), meaning it relies on other birds to nurture its chicks. So the relationship between a cuckoo and a warbler is that the cuckoo lays one of its eggs in the warbler's nest and the warbler ends up raising a cuckoo chick.

Cuckoo and warbler?

A parasitic relationship. The Cuckoo lays its egg in a warblers (E.g. Reed warbler) nest and the cuckoo hatch-ling expels the eggs of the warbler. Therefore one species (the Cuckoo) benefits and the other one is at a disadvantage (the warbler). So the symbiotic relationship is parasitic.

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Many reptiles lay bright yellow eggs. Yellow eggs are often a sign of the eggs not being fertilized so many reptiles have this capability.

Can you identify a bird by its nest?

You can tell by the materials used, the shaping and even the eggs that are in the nest. e.g. a cape warbler has a spherical nest that's weaved with grass and has white eggs with brown speckles

In petpetpark where ae the yellow eggs?

What you want are the Golden eggs.