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The Kirtland warbler's eggs are cream colored which are speckled with brown. The eggs are typically laid in a number of either four or five.

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Q: What color are the Kirtland warbler eggs?
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What do kirtland's warbler's eat?


What bird is endangered in the US?

Ivory billed woodpecker, Bachman's warbler, Kirtland's warbler, red cockaded woodpecker, Bewick's wren.

What eats a warbler?

What eats a Kirtland's Warbler? Well, raccoons Blue jays,Ground Squirrels and Chickmucks. I hope this helped!

How can you save Kirtland's warbler from being endangered?

The jack pine forests of this warbler's habitat are being protected, and new stands of this tree are being planted. The Kirtland's warbler is very dependent on this type of forest.

What bird has small black feathers with white spots?

I can only narrow that down possibly to a Cape May Warbler, Canada Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, or Kirtland's Warbler.

How many eggs does a Canada warbler have?

Most commenly, the Canada Warbler has a clutch of about 3 to 5 eggs.

What are adaptations for kirtland warbler?

They live in jackpine forests in the Michigan region. Winter in Cuba and Mexico.

What relationship do a warbler and a cuckoo have?

A parasitic relationship. The cucko lays its eggs in a warbler (E.g Reed warbler)

What species are endangered in the US?

Too many to list here, but here are a few of the most noteworthy ones: Ivory billed woodpecker Red cockaded woodpecker Kirtland's warbler Bachman's warbler Florida panther (subspecies of mountain lion)

What does a warbler do for the cuckoo?

a warbler provides a cuckoo with a nest to hold its eggs. it also provides a cuckoo with food.

Is it Throat-wobbler or Throat-warbler?

If you are talking about the bird, neither really. It is (fill in the color)-throated warbler, such as Yellow-throated Warbler

Symbiotic relationship between cuckoo and warbler?

When a reed warbler makes its nest and lays its eggs, a cuckoo later comes to lay HER eggs in the warbler's nest while the parent warbler is away. The cuckoo does this so that the warbler can take care of the her chick instead. The warbler takes absolutely no notice of what's happened and takes care of her eggs. When the cuckoo chick has hatched, it usually pushes away the rest of the chicks and eggs out of the nest so that it has a survival advantage. So the parent warbler usually ends up losing all of her eggs and raising one cuckoo chick even after the chick has grown 3 times as big as the warbler.