

Does birth control make menstrual pains worse?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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In general, hormonal Birth Control decrease menstrual pain. The copper IUD sometimes increase menstrual pain in the first few months, but this side effect is usually well-controlled by taking ibuprofen or ketoprofen.

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Q: Does birth control make menstrual pains worse?
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Condoms, spermicide, diaphragms. All forms of birth control, whether pill, patch, implant, Nuva Ring, or injection - all deal with hormones. When you have migraines and take birth control, you are risking increasing migraine activity as well as a small increase in the risk of stroke. For some women, birth control may help their migraines. For some women, there will be no difference at all. For some women, there is a dramatic increase in migraine activity. Make sure your prescribing physician knows about your migraines and how often you have them before you begin birth control. Make sure your neurologist knows if you are taking birth control if you are being treated for migraine. Everyone needs to be on the same page.

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Does birth control cause bad cramps?

No - oral contraceptive pills usually decrease menstrual pain. The cramps we get during our periods are usually due to the uterus contracting in order to get rid of the endometrium (which is the bleeding we get). Oral contraceptive pills reduce these contractions and should therefore reduce the pain. If your cramps are getting worse, there may be some other reason for this and you should make an appointment with your doctor.