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Yes, it can. Different women report different things, but some feel soreness, cramping, or pain that alerts them that an egg is implanting in the uterus.

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Q: Does egg implantation cause pain
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When an egg is fertile and drops down to the uterus can it cause cramps and back pain?

It is not the implantation that causes these things, just that it occurs just before a period is due when you might have these symptoms anyway.

How much blood and how red is implantation blood and how soon does it happen then after implantation is it normal to experience some bearable pain?

Only approximately 1 in 3 women experience "implantation bleeding", which is no more than light spotting. There should be no pain involved since the implantation of the fertilized egg is in the accumulated blood lining in the uterus which has no nerves.

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What does implantation of the egg mean?

Implantation means that the egg inbeds itself into the blood lining of the uterus.

What is implanation cramping?

Implantation is where the fertlised egg attaches to the uterus (womb) lining where the cells will rapidly multiply to become a baby. This can sometimes cause mild cramping, and this is what implantation cramping is

Do all women bleed when the egg is fertilized?

No, they bleed during implantation. When the egg is fertilized, it happens in the space of the fallopian tube. In a sense, the body doesn't "know" there's a fertilized egg until implantation occurs. There are no signs of fertilization before implantation.

Where does implantation of a fertilized egg occur?

The Uterus

Do implantation automatically mean your pregnant?

yes, implantation means the egg implants onto your uterus..

What is the difference in time of sex time of conception and time of implantation?

Conception is when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Implantation is when the fertilized egg implants itself to the uterine wall.

What cells are responsible for implantation in the uterus?

The sperm and the egg

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Does Implantation of the egg occurs in the uterus?

eggs are not round